I've read some howto's and want to write sowe script on bash. And preferably that run in phone. Try to run script
OPTIONS="Hello Quit"
select opt in $OPTIONS; do
if [ "$opt" = "Quit" ]; then
echo done
elif [ "$opt" = "Hello" ]; then
echo Hello World
echo bad option
But nothing happen. If i use telnet it's work. I olso try to run another script which develop for E2 but it not work from phone too. If i run it from telnet in the console says "showRadio:: command not found". Could somebodyexplain me how to create menus that can work from phone, if it possible
I donno if i can help, but probably....
You need to get show* binaries to your phone first, visit arctu website
You can use showList to show menu list (it can be a subtitute for showRadio if you want to port E2 script)
Maybe a simple script like this will work:
export PATH=/ezxlocal/download/mystuff/ns:$PATH # copy all the show* binaries to this path
showList -t "Hello world!" -c "This is hello world script!" "Hello" "Quit"
if [ $? == 1 ]
showQ "Hello" "Hello world!" 2;
elif [ $? == 2 ]
exit 0
hope it helps