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Author Topic: Something I noticed from the old E398 to the R373 software  (Read 6750 times)
« on: December 17, 2007, 04:38:11 am » that the photo quality from the old firmware (that is the stock E398 firmware) is actually more efficient and crisper than the modded E398@ROKR MP's available out there..I mean when we take photos from the old firmware, they only take up between 27-40KB of space while on the other hand the new photos on the new firmwares are HUGE! They take up at least 40-75KB's of free space. And the fact is the photos taken from the old firmware were in fact much sharper and crisper.

Also to note is that the "Lighting Conditions" on the "Pictures Setup" on the old firmware were better than than the new ones (ie R373 based firmwares). I mean the "night" condition is supposedly darker than normal instead (rather than being light sensitive as in the old E398 firmware)? Any of you guys know how to revert the photo and video capture to the quality of the old E398 firmware while at the same time retaining the obviously greater benefits of the new R373 firmwares? Thanks to all this site has really helped me..
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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2007, 04:51:45 am »

There are different jpeg compression schemes in Synerj tools,but I haven't noticed much difference..

« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2007, 08:17:09 am »

There are patches that said make camera result better.
Haven't try it yet.
Jay Chou
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2007, 08:59:20 am »

You can do firmware edits by comparing the values
in the camera quantilization table offsets
cheers. Smiley
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2007, 09:23:51 am »

adding info that make different between R372 n R373.
in camera mode!
R373 have control exposure that make object so bright.
R372 have control lightening to control adding some light or reduce in a room or outdoor.
exposure same fvnction with auto correct in color of picture that would u take can increase ur size of picture.
R372 it just give additional light.such as in night we just have a little light so is that fvnction.not increase so much about size.
R373 more colourfull.
R372 morf detail.
it just my opinion after trying that firmware.
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2007, 02:33:54 am »

There are patches that said make camera result better.
Haven't try it yet.

Yup there was a patch 4 camera, but it doesn't make much differences
Here you are if you want the patch :
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2007, 11:57:37 pm »

adding info that make different between R372 n R373.
in camera mode!
R373 have control exposure that make object so bright.
R372 have control lightening to control adding some light or reduce in a room or outdoor.
exposure same fvnction with auto correct in color of picture that would u take can increase ur size of picture.
R372 it just give additional light.such as in night we just have a little light so is that fvnction.not increase so much about size.
R373 more colourfull.
R372 morf detail.
it just my opinion after trying that firmware.

Just giving some corrections::
-i think you can change the control (to add exposure or brightness) to your camera UI, by editing seem. R372 also have access to control the exposure, but it do inside the camera>menu.
-brightness on phone camera is just adding the amount of the bright value on the picture (like when you did it with photoshop) that did by the software. But exposure is how much the diaphragm  of the cameras opened, and how long its opened. longer and wider its opened, more lights the censors can record.
-if my opinion, R373 46R has too contrast image quality, but on 49R you'll get picture with natural quality of color but it less brightness on night picture. that the photo quality from the old firmware (that is the stock E398 firmware) is actually more efficient and crisper than the modded E398@ROKR MP's available out there..I mean when we take photos from the old firmware, they only take up between 27-40KB of space while on the other hand the new photos on the new firmwares are HUGE! They take up at least 40-75KB's of free space. And the fact is the photos taken from the old firmware were in fact much sharper and crisper.

bigger the size of a picture its mean that the picture record much more color and brightness amount,if you want to compare 2 kind of cameras, you had to take picture in same conditions of light, cause, even different a second will give different amount of color and brightness. for me, bigger size, its mean the picture we've got is better, cause it record much more color n brightness value on it.

There are patches that said make camera result better.
Haven't try it yet.

Yup there was a patch 4 camera, but it doesn't make much differences
Here you are if you want the patch :

i've tried some kind of quantization table patches, and the result are makes my camera became pathetic when i take picture on normal condition,it doesn't even show a picture, but it gave better result on less brightness conditions.
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2007, 02:09:49 am »

The patch didnt work as expected ha....
Im planning to do it today, better cancel it.
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2007, 11:09:25 am »

@^: i suggest you not to apply those patch (change quantizations patchs).
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