Just don't use the silent profile and that's it...
This is how I test:
The first time,set the alarm clock and switch to silent profile.Then switch back to normal profile.The alarm rings.
The second time,switch to slient profile then set the alarm clock.Switch back to normal profile.The alarm rings too.
So in my case,switching to slient profile dont cause the alarm clock not to work.
But sometimes the alarm doesnt ring and I havent found the cause.
Yearh,this is a known bug.Unluckily,we havent figure out the cause.
Usually,I use a app called "autoPower" (by tomlih@it168) as an alternative.It can automaticly turn off the phone and then turn it on at specific times.It uses the built in alarmclock app to work.Generally it's more reliable in my case.
Should I upload it here and explain how to use it?
@Exploited:I tested twice and the alarm rings normally.I'm on 12.01.48P(modified by myself).
Zjole,where did u got app "autopower"? Sorry for off topic.
See the attached file.(Contains source code too
Usage:add it to your autorun script(startup.txt).For example,I put the autopower app in "unKnown" folder.Then I will add:
if [ -f /ezxlocal/download/mystuff/unKnown/autoPower_ac ]
then /ezxlocal/download/mystuff/unKnown/autoPower_ac
After that,reboot the phone.You will see two new alarm named "poweron" and "poweroff" in Alarm Clock.Modify the time to your need then reboot the phone again(not necessary but suggested).Now,its working.Hope this app may help you.
BTW:How it works - It runs in the backgroud and checks every 12s if it is the "poweron" or "poweroff" time.