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Author Topic: ROCKmantic or KILLER MP??  (Read 33803 times)
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2007, 04:18:58 am »

HERE you have tutorial how to make ur USB cable a charger(idt doesnot charge but you will need no battery to flash ur mobile)

More info about this I wrote i THIS TOPIC (page 2)
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« Reply #31 on: August 06, 2007, 04:34:15 am »

Or you can charge your battery by applying a valid potential diffrence (about 7-8 volts) across the terminals of the battery..

« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2007, 04:39:42 am »

this ur Data Cable right? did u make a switch? i just see a couple wire(white and Orange)
should i solder a resistor 22k on my cable? its to hard i think..
« Reply #33 on: August 06, 2007, 04:49:48 am »

yeah but with a dead phone a chargeable cable data wont help...or should i say it's useless
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« Reply #34 on: August 06, 2007, 04:52:26 am »

Thats too difficult I think.. You need a micro soldering iron and too much patience.

« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2007, 03:59:54 pm »

Edited: Sorry I did not havew time to read it befor posting so it can have some mistakes I'll to it leater and if needed edit mistakes. Ok I read it can be understand.

It looks hard but it's easy if you know how to use soldering iron. I didn't use micro soldering iron but standard soldering iron(used to solder big things). But before I started to do this I lookd at the cable to thing how to do that easer.

Here are some tips to make it easer:

1. You will need:
- soldering iron
- some cable(I used onece from my old keybord(mouses has the same cables) that broke out those cables are strong and small so they are great to be used to such a things)
- paper adhesive tape(paper tape with glue on one side; you can use other adhesive tape but do not use one with is slippery on not glued side)
- crazy/brave enought(cause it can damaged your cable)

2. What to do:
- Open THIS tutorial
- Unplug ur USB cable grom your comp
- Go thrue with tutorial and your cable up to 6th picture(description of the picture is 'Remove the protection')

Now you can close tutorial 'cause here you will do what I wrote here(easer than in tutorual)

1. Look at your 'opened' cable at side where you remober the isolation. you will see 17 pins and 4 boubbles(under the pins)
2. take some adhesive tape and cover all pins in the longer row(the one with 14 pins).
3. Now you should see a tape on pins, 3 pins uncovered with tape and 4 boubbles(under all pins). Cover with adhesive tape two pins on rigry side(those to that are near eage)
4. You stould have now one pin uncovered with tape(it should be 3rd pin coutnig from row of 3 pins; sorry I cannot take a picture aof it 'cause my best camera is in my mobile and it's not good enought but you can see it in TUTORIAL on picture 7th it is wrote 3 on it's the upper one)
5. Take one cable and solder it to remaining pin(do not care if some of tin(I thing that is caled the metal that is used to solder) left on plate(green part) of cable it has no connection so it does nothing). Make sure that none of tin on pin near with you just solder.
6. Take away adhesive tape(or live it as isolation). And now look at the boubbles again the secound pin that should be sloder with cable is connected to one of boubbles the first left one(left is the side of longer row of pins; the one that orange cable is attatcher on my picture)
6. solder 2nd cable to this boubble.
7. Connect remaining sides of cable to each other so they are marged
8. Isolate connection of cables
9. put back metal cover of USB cable(do not put plastic cover back yet)
10. connect your USB cable to ue computer and chec of there is no smoke commeing from your cable, unplug your cabble. If there was smoke do not care it was just isolation makeing smoke from the heat and that means that the isolation you put does not work properly just check it. If there i no smoke put back the plastic cover and modding of your cable is finshed.

How to use cable:
1. In Data and Memory card mode cable works the same at it was working before but the mobile do not use the battery so you can take it away in any moment
2. In BootLoadrer mode battery info will disappear and it will be always 'OK to program' you can take away your battery as well

If you have no battery in mobile when you connect cable it will turn on the mobile in standart mode.

If you want to turn on the mobile in BootLooader mode just hols * and #(do not hold red button) buttons while connecting the cable.

If you have to force BootLoader you have to force it with your battery(even if it's low) and than you connect the cable.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 05:45:25 am by EOG » Logged
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2007, 07:41:30 pm »


thanks All, my E398 alive after dead but one thing im not sure.. now im using Symphony MP, but when i push * + # + power, bootloader doesnt show.. its going to blank screen(white light). maybe my bootloader missing, how to i get my bootloader? i turn to normal mode its fine.. just worried bout my bootloader..
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« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2007, 12:49:12 pm »

this is normal. Sometimes the display is not working in bootloader mode, but it still works.. You can find out if you connect it to the PC

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« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2007, 01:03:54 am »

don't you dare try the new Rock Mantic MP
mine is dead and now i need some help too
 please :'(

I flashed the mp succesfuly and when i tried to power it on he didn't do anything. The bootloader it's not working. What should i do?
FB doesn't see the phone. MFF shows nothing no "S Blank Neptune" nothing.

Finaly i succes the forceboot
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2007, 01:08:50 am »

don't you dare try the new Rock Mantic MP
mine is dead and now i need some help too
 please :'(

I flashed the mp succesfuly and when i tried to power it on he didn't do anything. The bootloader it's not working. What should i do?
FB doesn't see the phone. MFF shows nothing no "S Blank Neptune" nothing.

Finaly i succes the forceboot

congrate bro.. i still can get forceboot.. u are quck learning..  Wink
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2007, 01:36:11 am »

raunamaxtor you change the topic name....??
« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2007, 01:38:41 am »

raunamaxtor you change the topic name....??

err yup. Undecided. its break the rule?? if yes, i want to rename it again.. Shocked
« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2007, 01:39:57 am »

Nope i dont think so
but on my opinion you were getting started of a flame war here....
« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2007, 01:45:04 am »

Nope i dont think so
but on my opinion you were getting started of a flame war here....

its the true.. if mr.poer can responsibility for his MP, why he doesnt show in my thread? at least he will advice to me for what he done to his MP?.. i think the answer for this question is " i dont kill ur phone. this is ur problem, u were kill ur phone itself"

its a justice?? :'(
« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2007, 01:57:39 am »

take it easy bro.....take a deep breath Smiley
me personally doesnt like MR. Poer too... as you can read all my post in Motolovers Wink
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