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Author Topic: [ZN5_MP] SYMBIOSIS X-treme (By Wellington_GS)  (Read 11838 times)
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« on: September 19, 2010, 08:05:29 am »

Posted by: Lucas S. Silva From  PlusGSM


[MP] SYMBIOSIS X-treme (By Wellington_GS)

Motorola Zine ZN5 *********** ***********
Symbiosis_X-treme (By WellingtonGS)

****** ATTENTION ******

Only Bootloader 06.2A
Read everything carefully before flashing


 *********** Credits***********

The creators of the Symbiosis X (base of this MP)
Acknowledgments  ***********

Thanks aJunior Passos and ati @ go, Whose magnificent works are responsible for having the courage to venture into the changes.
A whole team of MUS, all PlusGSM,
A whole community Orkut, and my friends HipHop and Luke.

****** Latest News ******

1. Fast system even more than before, even without the SWAP.
2. House, in 10i (pictures) As in QVGA (videos) is exceptional, if you know how to use auto focus oscurese no more light, and has much more color and clarity.
3. AiCPU much more efficient. Given the choice between zCpu, Ligth and FULL. You can even manage the process manually for some functions of the phone as a player and Java. "Optimizing the use of the battery even more."
4. Now you can install or view a source with only two clicks.
5. Change the system menu (Sym V / support) now works perfectly.
6. Now you can customize the shortcuts of the button you want.
7. Now you can choose to view your messages by opening an audio file in File Manager.
8. The UserSet folder is now much more customizable files, you can even change the style of the menus that come with the MP, including Kodak.
9. Kodak refurbished item for me. (No bugs)
10. Sunset theme with HSA panel including by me.

 ****** Resolve BUGS******

1. The contact names are now appearing, even without the city code in their number.
2. Icon theme Green WiFi standard (Kodak) that estaaa missing, was relocated.

 ***************************** Changes******************** *********

CG43 Mod:
• Now, with a profile of the Brasilia time zone (GMT-3) by default.
• Modem and Connection Tool by default.
• Equalizer Sound Editing for a much stronger and cleaner.
• Keyboard Shortcuts: Shortcuts now editable:
• Now with all web profiles / SMS operators in Brazil. (Auto) No need to configure anything.

CG52 Mod:
• All profiles available sounds are translated.
• New wallpapers and a warning message Tupiniquim.
New Topic • Sunset edited (HSA own panel added by me)
• Theme Kodak completely remodeled by me (no Bugs): original icons has been renovated with more color and clarity, which also applies a lighting effect to give a 3D look very nice, and all icons have been changed settings. The Panel HSA was replaced by the original, much prettier and more aesthetically compatible with subjects that are not HSA Panel icons.
Folder ****** ****** EXTRAS

Along with the MP, with some extra files, such as:
80 high-quality PNG images for use as wallpaper or background of the issues,
21 Ringtones, 28 and 5 Books Fonts Java.
I am sending 5 Applications também MGX:
1. Hide Folder (translated and edited by me)
2. Zn5Mplayer (optional video player.)
3. Call Blocker (Phone Firewall) In ptBR.
4. Estilos_de_menu (only works on the themes of SD)
5. Rockbox Full BR (all applications)
You can use the files that are in the extras to further customize your MP. Simply enter the cell through Samba, and change the folder deseaUserSe.

*********** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS************

1. Remove the chip from your carrier and SD.
2. With RSD Lite Flash program first NORSAR 06.2A.
If a flash and before NORSAR above is not necessary to flash it again.
3. Flashing the Symbiosis_X-treme (by Wellingtongs)
Upon reaching 100% for the first time the phone will start automatically and will launch a second process, do not touch anything. In the second case to reach more or less in 65%, the phone displays a message and automatically restarts normal MP, wait.
You should see the message "PASS" in the RSD Lite.
4. If the RSD Lite prompts you to restart manually, do the following: Without cable, unplug the unit wait a few seconds, press and hold * and # keys and the power button, should see the message "PASS" no doubt.



Z.d.u.n.e.X's Stuff: Personal Site | My skins
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2010, 12:17:47 am »

how do i install language pack
Horrors fan :)
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« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2010, 03:57:39 am »

Find one and flash with RSD lite.

Z.d.u.n.e.X's Stuff: Personal Site | My skins
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2010, 08:45:26 pm »

this fw so amazing i like it. how to capture QVGA (videos) it only 144x176
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2010, 09:18:39 pm »

is a 062DP version gonna be released of this? is it hard to do?
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