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Author Topic: [IMAGE] [v0.1][20-08-2010] MotoBlur for Milestone  (Read 5938 times)
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« on: August 21, 2010, 01:45:39 am »

I have now more success with the Froyo 2.2 MotoBlur port to milestone but it required a more technical approach than just lib replacements here..
Partly because Verizon put some policies on Motorola to put it into the firmware, and partly because it required different audio handling.

Most features seen in MotoFrenzy is also shared here. both good and bad ones. Battery wise this image offers utilities to manage wifi inactivity and battery training policies.

I feel that the features found in the MotoBlur, justify a more proper release, than initially, as Battery management and scalable widgets seems like nice features to me.

Download Mirror 1MotoBlur v0.1 full image
Download Mirror 2MotoBlur v0.1 full image (Thanks to klash for the mirror)

You can test, but you are now warned!  i will try and get a bugfix in place asap!!!

Full Image install instructions
  • You can use G.O.T recovery for installation of the image (i read latest OpenRecovery is no longer compatible)
    Copy the included MotoBlur folder onto your sdcard
    into the folder  /nandroid/adbrecovery and recover from
    G.O.T Recovery menu.
First time install information
  • - Recommended is to remove your SIM card the first time you start up, as the card activation process during setup with a non-Verizon card fails and takes datatraffic and is slow, if you got a card in your phone.  Take it out, and you are quickly offered the option to setup later.
    - G.O.T recovery should offer your the option to partition your SDCARD if you wish to use a ext2 sdcard partition for apps2sd functionality.
    - Overclock included, means you can take the sample "overclock" file from the .zip and copy to your SDCARD, and it will be activated at bootup. you can modify content of the overclock file, but you need to find details on parameters on the authors webpage here.
Current state of this release is:
  • Based on release version 2.2.90 of Droid2 firmware found.
    Battery manager offers 5,10,15,30 minutes timeout for data connection now. (original was 15,30,45,60)
    GPS is a drawback for now, as Motorola started using new communication methods between their drivers on CDMA based firmwares.
    Fully deodex'd rom (requires little more memory, but is sufficient in Motorola phone environment)
     * It should noted, that Droid2 comes with 512MB RAM, which might for more hours become an issue on milestone, if froyo2.2 memory management handles this badly.
  • MotoBlur Froyo2.2 functionality fully working.
    Languages supported (enabled)  English , Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portugese
    Data icons fixed (E/G/3G/H) is now shown.
    Phone calls
    Mobile data
    Picture editor (lite edition) works.
    Market fully working (Flash 10 beta not released for blur, so you have to install manually)
    Regular Wifi working
    Bluetooth with advanced stereo functionality working.
    Audio/Video playback of MPEG4,MP3, OGG etc..
    Wifi DLNA supported (audio lib fix required to share video/audio, only picture sharing seems working)
    Overclock app + module included. (overclock file on sdcard still required to enable it)
    File copying over Wifi between windows machines possible. (have seen problem copying to local phone though)
    APPS2SD ext2 edition (not native function though)
    Phone can be unlocked without a sim inserted.
Not working/tested
  • AP Wifi (not working) being tested and corrected where possible. (Teether app included for now)
    Camera/VideoRecorder (Focus problem)
    USB (auto detect problems, hotfix will be released asap, problem is close to be fixed.)
    GPS (currently using new driver requirements, might not be solved)
    BlockBuster DRM movie viewing (incompatible libs currently)
    TextToSpeech diabled (reason for high cpu load is being tested)
    Backup services (work only with a valid Verizon sim-card)
apps removed
  • Dataplan + Data manager  (Verizon only feature)
    Boot animation (took 4MB of system space, added QuickOffice instead)
    BlockBuster application
    TtsService  (TalkToSpeech packages)
    Firewall service (missing libs in original stock firmware, might be on purpose it's removed)
2.1 kernel limitations
As with the other 2.2 releases, these functions are limited due to missing kernel upgrades on our milestone.
  • Full RIL support cannot be implemented as driver is officially not available.
    Camera kernel requirements for focus.
    Native Apps2SD in settings.
      Swap? (we could only hope)

Bugs certainly exists, as this image has many builtin functions, so if you find any, report them here, and ill look at it.
All Credits to dext3r
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 01:56:30 am by ZduneX25 » Logged

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