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Author Topic: Is my phone bricked??  (Read 7162 times)
« on: September 11, 2009, 09:46:14 am »

hey friends

I have a MOTORAZR V3i with the following configuration:

boot loader : OA.52
SW Version : R47A_G_08.D8.8 BR

One day just after finishing a call my phone got switched off. First I thought

that the battery was down but later when I put it to charge it immidiately

showed full charge. But on switching it on, it flashed the motorola welcome

screen and started looking for connection signal and then switched off. I

tried many times bt the problem appeared again and again.

This was the first problem with my phone...

So I took it up with the motorola service centre and later after a day they informed me that my phone is permanently dead :O

However when I put the battery it showed the following message:

Boot Loader
SW Version:

Ok to Program
Connect USB Data Cable

This is my second Problem

PLease notice here that the SW version is changed as well as the Boot Loader.

My guess is that the motorola service centre guys bricked it. Now they are refusing to help me out of this...

I want your help modders..... Please give me step by step instruction on what to do.

I love my phone very much and don't wanna replace it with any other. Sad

P.S: Regarding the first problem, my phone didn't suffer a fall nor was it wet. 
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2009, 07:11:22 am »

MSC has been change u'r BL, don't be sad just flash u'r phone use RSD with nano razr MP by ritza or simply by arytom
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« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2009, 01:16:19 am »

yeah i have v3i like your probelm but now my r47a and ihave flashed into ritza monster pack

do my step it..
1. foolow this
2.conect test point for your v3i..
   1. conect test point...if you don't understand search it in google
   2. open RSD lite 4 or above until RSD detect your phone as S BLANK NEPTUNE
   3. close RSD Lite and open flash backup 3 or tab firmware...scrol down (search (ENUM)) write..until in the left   side of flash backup say's SBLANK and close flash backup
   4. open RSD lite until detect your phone..
   5. open ramloader 2.31...(don't pin ramloader in start menu)...close RSD lite
   6. click (send loader...wait a few second..until say.."ready")
   7. write boot OA.30...(browse on your computer)...after wre boot...wait until process completed.."if you don have boot 0A.30 search it in google..and download it"
3. do step 2 again(1 until 3)
4. repair your PDS with P2ktolls 3.9 or phone model repair pds...remove cable test pint first..!...and click "do selected job" wait until 100%
5. do step 2 again(1 until 3)
6. write bootloader OA,3O again in your V3i using ramloader 2.31...get it in google..(rapid share)
7. boot loader your v3i..
8. go to mode boot loader and flash with scorepatched R479...get it in google(rapidshare)
6. your phone live again but in R479 in bootlader 0A.30
7. can flashed your v3i with the best MP like ritza's MP

if you don't understand it please give me your email..and i will explain it all for you...oke..
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 02:07:22 am by tankian » Logged

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