how to completely backlight the screen (after 5-10 sec)?May be undo patch or SEEM edit, actually I really don't know name the pacth coz the name still in english
voice name inactive in phonebook . can you solve it ? You only can use English aka automatic to make it's work, other Font/language will not work coz It's multifont LP with separate font, and the based of the LP is type 0003 with only have english voice
wanted to do additiona Persian font but did not succeed
can you change multifontYeah, I have sI ucesfully add Farsi and Arabic in my multifont Lp
But the problem is can't read SMS inbox, I don't know why v3i LP multifont really different with E398
or edit lp0034 with razr logo?. (Lp0034)Yeah, give me time
canYou tell me about how to make multi-font for v3i?You can learn from E398 board especially from Zhang Liang