actually, i found this food in Indonesia, i found in Egypt either,
my Grandpa said this food originally from Indonesia.
It was there a long time ago before WW II happen
same case with keris, batik, and rendang. Our peoples don't understand why other country registered these as their trademark .
it should be an Indonesian original, my Grandpa told me, 65 years ago he traveling Indonesia
yes, i'm agree with you. my mother, my grandmother is an expert in cooking rendang and maybe my grand grand grand mother is and an expert too.
we have much expert in the things that you mention above. because our former generation was an expert too.
well, there is no actual way in finding out where these stuff actually from....yes maybe 65 years ago your granpa find it in Indonesia, but who know somewhere in the world people have already been using it for hundreds of years, and someone bring it to Indonesia and start spreading it.... there is no point in arguing about where it come from at long as it is preserved for future generation......and i don't think there's any country that registered these as their my country as example, we simple promote it as these stuff is available in our country....
history should tell us where we or everything came from. or are we want to forget history?
history that we trust is the one we believe in it.