It's worst enough that E8 has little true modders. Now, we also have STEALERS. Yes, this is post would be a direct attack on an individual or rather, a forum. Please lock and close if necessary.
2-3 days ago, I posted a message on board modmymoto, E8 section, asking about how to change the menu on the E8 idle screen and LP0024. A user with the name replied asking me to download an "exclusive" firmware from an external site. I kindly declined and ask for an individual langpack flash and also the direct instructions on how to modify the idle menu. Later on, he again gave me a link to the external site, but this time, with the flash file. (I had to register to download the file. So yeah, unacceptable). As for the idle menu, he told me that I should ask another person with the userid insecurespike who I believed to have came from the same external site. And then, in addition to that, bestweb also inquire me on how I obtained the telnet firmware and pointed him out to motohell & motofan.
hours ago, a firmware claiming to have FTP & Telnet enabled was released. Yes, posted by the user bestweb on the external site. That was okay except for the fact that, HE DID NOT NAME THE ORIGINAL CREATORS OF THE FIRMWARE who put in real hardwork to unmagx E8 and insert telnet and ftp and compile them into a firmware. Frankly, I'm disgusted by these kinds of people who do not give credits when due; PARASITES. GRRR. Of course, I am NOT one of the firmware creators. But come on, give respect to those who spend their weekends for the love of their mobile phone. ><
MY REQUEST TOPIC: "NEW FW" LINK:'m really blacklisting the site already. Their mods are stealers. Also, I'll refuse to share MY files or uploading them to the public again if I see people doing this like this to the E8 modding scene..
Thanks. =)