All questions on porting the ElfPack - HERE!For succesfull portation you need:
ADS ;for compilation. -
PortKit_v1_0 + updates ;for portation -
Bin Editor ;for cutting the empty bytes [You can use
XVI32 - its free]
R?flash ; the CG1 of the firmware youre using (withouth the empty bytes on the end)
FB v3.06 ; for applying the patches
6. resman5.4pro ;not neccesary
Clean head and steady hands ,\'-}
So here we go....
.1 Make folder "PortKit" on disk "C:\" ;you can make it anywhere but this is the easiest way
.2 Extract files from archives ADS and PortKit_v1_0 into folder "C:\PortKit"
Before you start PortKit you should replace the libgen with a newer one, I recommend Macho's libgen (its updated regularly) You should copy the libgen content into C:\PortKit\libgen folder
.2.1 Folder "arm" copy to root "C:\" ;thats the way it must be!
.2.1 Now! Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables/System Variables/ - Path - add ";C:\PortKit" (I say again, C:\PortKit is the easiest place)
.3 Further settings:
C:\PortKit\obj\sysinfo.c ; open with NotePad and set for your phone, example for E398:
const char n_phone[] = "E398";
const char n_platform[] = "LTE";
const char n_majorfw[] = "R373";
const char n_minorfw[] = "42R";
.4 Next:
C:\PortKit\make.cmd ; open with NotePad and look:
@echo off
rem The target platform, change this to yours (LTE | LTE2 | V3i)
=> instead of NONE enter platform of your phone:
.5 Now we need that reflash, actually the CG1.smg in folder "C:\PortKit" (extract it from reflash with SHX Codec)
.6 Rename CG1.smg to CG1.bin (or put the whole name of the firmware, important is to change the format to .BIN) ;
.7 Next, we make a new text document and put in it:
.8 Save it in PortKit folder and name it
run.bat (not run.bat.txt but run.bat)
.9 Double click run.bat ; If you did everything correctly you will get patches, elfloader, and Lib.o in
build folder!
Hope you liked the tutorial, its mostly,but not completely, a translation of WhiteHotIce's tutorial from motofan