Woooo xD Nicknames ...I have a loot of them xD
Im afraid Im very complicated ... like every girl I must admit lol.
My first nick was Kury. Is like my real name ... My real name is Cristina. ( eww I dun like it xD ) but in japanesse it will be like Kurisutina ( double ewww xD ) so my friend put me KURY like Cris without the s
so It came Kury, kurychan.
some of the people still say me in that way.
Then... in the cibernet my nick was Luthien. Yes Luthien like the Tolkien history. first because I like that simarillion history a lot and second because I always feel too weird to be human. So I found out I was an elve
yeah and then my best friend always told me I was Luthien , because she was the only one with dark black long hair.
So I was Luthien for a long long long time. But then I was not feeling confortable with the idea that Luthien is a character of JRR Tolkien and well she is like very... princess, and is delicate and untouchable in so many ways ...
Another nick is Leilath she is what Luthien cannot be : evil . So is like Leilath is my dark/vampirish side
the cursed one. Luthien is the mature one. Niniel means sad , morm , tear . Niniel is like the sad side . Laguna is the summer, the joy the child imprudent side. and well Luthychan is after I acept the sadness and grew up mature in my feelings of unger and wisdom , the joy of life brings Luthychan
lol. so .. well me . Yeah I separate the 4 feelings and then get them back I had a hole history of that also every strong feeling is attach to an station. Luthien is spring calm and sweet, sleeped . repress in many ways a princess trapped she want to be free and know things, want real friends. Leilath is winter doom and cursed , lonely and unger dominate her. She is discriminated cuz she is half vampire and half elve. Shes looking for revange. Niniel is a left behind girl, betrail and sad. Love make woonds she cant heal... but still she can be naive and fragile. She looks for strengh to pass trough all the pain, and wisdom to choose better next time She is Automm. Laguna finally but not less is all wishes fot the others, she is joy and happiness to others but none for her. Strong and impulsive , she needs to find peace and balance. She is summer. Energic but also imprudent.
So Luthien scape and met Niniel who gave her wisdom to look for Laguna and make them stronger to face Leilath and face the feelings, grew, and rebird
Kristhinviel is the result of them. but also known as Luthychan.
In my work ... they call me WIkky , they say I always know things . Too many things. So they like a joke ask me : can we call u Wikky ? I was like surpriced . .. well ... y.. yeah .. I guess... why ?
Cuz ur like a friking wikipedia !! ._. I was speachless
... amusing ... and kind a blush. So they call me wiky wiky they even say sounds oriental thing xD lol .
And... well
So must of people know me for Kurychan , Luthien, Nini , Leilath, Laguna, Luthychan, Wikky .
Oh and in my Rol rgp I was Kristhinviel -> mix between Tinuviel and my name.
and I suguest Pixel lol Pizidot, "Pixziel" sound like a name to me . I dun like nicks with numbers I dont know why.
but I dont like hmm "standart" or "normal" I rename most of my friends
always lol.
Well after a good story ( my response sound like a bedtime story
) This avariel will finaly go to sleep.