FirmWare - Software mod by Elektro v0.3 49R and all sensational function of firmware!!!
Flex Name - MotoTech v2.49R
DSP - 623BAB00
DRM - Glossy Blue (i dont know who do that)
iTunes - Revolution (by Pizzadox619)
Seems - edtion of seems more perfect that exist (by Alfaro)
LP - Trebuchet MS (by Alfaro) without itap
Skins - Techno 3x4 (edited by Alfaro) / Radiance (by slavik13 edited by Alfaro) / Milk (by qqaazz)
Javas - lots!!
Gaintable - in the ideal nivel, for dont damage our ears!! (have one louder in File Changer)
Multimidia - without rings vibe and some changes
- fix bug GPRS APN
- i put a cust shut down an a aleatory hit to make the change easy if you want.
- originalmp3 player
- bright control in foto/video
- 50 numbers in calls register
- ask for delete something
- ask for send 2 messages
- voice shortcuts
- accents with the same font
- dual boot
- dont loose your messages when u change your chip
- mp already have a MMA_UCP of skins MILK, VN, etc (to cahnge use java File Changer (vide FAQ))
- etc...