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Author Topic: [How To] Recover the original firmware!  (Read 3413 times)
« on: January 24, 2009, 09:29:59 am »

Hello Modders!

There's the way to recover the original fimware: (Made with Rokr E2, almost shure that with others works too)

1. With your UNMODDED phone, download and install the Motorola Software Updater (MSU)
2. Put you phone in Memory Card Mode
3. Open the MSU and plug you phone
4. While the MSU starts checking the firmware (Actually it downloads the fimware itself), watch for the folder: "C:\Program Files\Motorola\Software Update\firmwares\", the original motorola made firmware is there!
5. After the download, DO NOT ACCEPT, first copy and backup the .gz file, that contains the firmware.
6. Cancel or do what you want. The fimware is backed up!

Now if you want to recover the firmware, just put the file again in the folder and it will not download again next time.

Ps.: I don't have any responsability with any errors that may occur. Take your own risk.

Ps 2: Please do it and post unbranded (unlocked) stock firmwares! Please, Rokr E2 too Wink
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