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General / General Discussion / Re: Future of Motohell
on: July 29, 2012, 09:00:39 pm
I remember how back in 2007 I asked you guys "should we continue with Motohell or we should close it" here. I am very happy that we stayed on. I found great friends and I think it was lots of fun. The forum was raising and gaining new users up to 2010 with great success.
The last two years are showing a great decrease of the usage in Motohell. No new monster packs are reported, few skins, few new users. And now we are up to the moment when the forum has almost NO activity.
I can say that one of the biggest culprits for that situation is me. I focused my personal interests away of the Moto modding. When the owner of one property is not working for the property, then who should be doing that?
Now I am pretty realistic that Motohell cannot raise again the same way as it was before. It's lost as a forum - the users moved to other places a long time ago. Well I won't sell Motohell and I won't close it for sure. And no - I won't change it to some ads site to gain few bucks. I am not going to earn any money from this site - that was the initial idea and this is how it's going to be.
But what I am thinking about right now is some kind of restructuring. To move the forum contents in the archives and to start a completely new project, probably related to mobile phones again, or maybe something else. It's only an idea which is not very clear. The website has pretty much good traffic of visitors - I want to make it useful for the people. Not like right now - an archive of old and forgotten monster packs...
What do you say guys (if anybody is still out there)?
First of all modding now Motorola's with a Linux based OS is not interesting anymore, mainly because new Motorola devices are now powered by Android, I own several blogs and websites and with my experience let me tell you that if you continue doing the same then it just won't work anymore, so dedicate to Android Modding, rooting, flashing custom Android Roms like Cyanogenmod in Motorola Devices, remove the limitations you have put like registering or posting links, make this and you will see Motohell raising from it's grave.
Graphics and Sounds / RingTones / Hellomoto Ringtone
on: August 22, 2011, 01:32:48 pm
Hi everyone, After having several Motorola phones I noticed that several of them don't include the Hellomoto ringtone, Could any share it?, Thanks in advance.
Graphics and Sounds / 320x240 / Re: Motorola Icer (RMVS) by DS Preview for Motorola E8
on: July 22, 2011, 01:34:36 pm
I like the original one for the menu. It's simple and fast, will be great if you make just like the original for the menu.  Nice skin Thanks, I do believe it's faster the menu the original way, using the fast scroll-wheel of the E8 it's possible to navigate fast, but the E8's scroll-wheel isn't accurate enough and it's sluggish, I read this issue can be fixed by over-clocking the phone's processor from 300MHz to 500MHz of an ARM11 of 511MHz, however I haven't found yet the firmware or the app to do this, so I believe after a couple of test that a new menu design can help to make the scroll-wheel a little bit more faster an accurate, and by a new menu design I mean using light icons and backgrounds for the menu, because it's not the same to use a set of icons that weight 500KB each one on the menu than a set of icons that weight around 40KB each one, so with this mind I hope to increase the speed of the scroll on the menu, but also this skin is supposed to be revolutionary so we need something different than the original menu, so it can be called revolutionary. Thanks a lot for the advice, I really appreciate that, i'm not probably using the original menu, but I will probably conserve the best of it for the new menu. There is an update to this skin: Take care, Sincerely, Deisler Smith.
Motorola Phone Models / General / Re: [Help] List of Motorola Android Models
on: July 15, 2011, 02:32:14 am
Any one care share a list of Motorola Phones which runs android. And with prices and specs if possible.
Motorola has several phones with Android OS like the Atrix, Motoroi X, Motoroi, Droid X, Droid, Dext, Backflip, Spice, Defy. Motorola has also a tablet name Xoom with Android Honeycomb, I actually own 3 Motorola devices an Atrix, a Xoom tablet and a Motorola E8, so I do believe you question was instead which of the Motorola phones with Android turns out to be the best in relationship with it's quality/price variant? I would certainly recommended you the Atrix which has quite the similar power of a computer (Netbook) with a 2 nucleus processor, in my case i had found in this phone a replacement for my laptop, so instead of taking a heavy laptop with you, just bring your Atrix in your pocket, is also very efficient, but the heating of this phone when using several apps could result a little bit annoying, the plastic of this phone is rubbish, and price can be an impediment sometimes for buying this phone (not for me), but at exchange you get a computer in the size of a phone, you also are getting a phone that deserves to be rub in the face of Steve Jobs, because the Atrix can't be compared to an iPhone, in small words the Atrix is way much better than the iPhone, and probably the Atrix could be more expensive than the iPhone, but it does certainly value every cent more you pay for the Atrix than for the iPhone. Take care, Sincerely, Deisler Smith.
Graphics and Sounds / 320x240 / Motorola Icer E8 (RMVS) Update 2 by DS
on: July 13, 2011, 09:12:38 pm
  This is the update to first preview of "MOTO ICR (Moto Icer)" located at which was only a preview of this skin, but now this two screenshots are coming from a real skin that has been installed to a Motorola E8 on an SD Card, so far the menu looks like the original menu, I'm now working on the design of the menu, but now I would explain what I've done in this update. There are 2 screenshots above (Screenshot 1 and 2), at the: Screenshot 1 is the way in which the phone visualizes normally with a dock bar almost at the top displaying very useful statics like the hour, day, date, service provider (in my case AT&T), battery status, signal status, bluetooth status, and of course the missed calls and messages stats which at the end Read or Unread are added (in my case 0 calls and 2 read messages). Screenshot 2 is the way the phone would look if you modify at Programation/Screen/Navigation Keys/-Show Icons-, so by doing this the phone stats are replaced by the Navigation Keys' Icons which are four icons, each one for every key of the Navigation Keys located on the Key Pad, keys are know as North, South, East and West.  In my case my navigation keys are programmed to open Music, Camera, Media Finder and Bluetooth so if I press the North Key  Music window will then open, if I press South Key  the Camera will open, with the East Key  the Media Finder window will open and with the West Key  the Bluetooth window will open as well then I can further activate my Bluetooth connection. So far this is what I had achieved I'm still working on the menu, the intention is to create a Monsterpack with this skin and lots of applications in order to transform Motorola E8 and 320x240 phones in small computers, but I think it is more probable to achieve a computer like appearance. And although the E8 has a couple of years on the market, I believe it is still good, I believe as well that older Motorola phones are still great, so the intention also of this skin or vs which I hope to include in a Monsterpack someday is to give as well a second chance to other phones to be revolutionary not be left behind because of new phone models. Please feel free to comment (reply or quote), ask, etc... Sincerely, Deisler Smith
Graphics and Sounds / 320x240 / Motorola Icer (RMVS) by DS Preview for Motorola E8
on: July 08, 2011, 11:55:36 pm
 This is actually a first look to a new skin i'm working in, I dedicate myself at PC Modding, but some weeks ago I manage myself to get a Motorola E8, I had spended several hours researching all about phone modding, but I had been searching for skins because the default one is named Onyx and looks designed by cheap graphic designers, but all the skins I found had several details (wrong resolution icons, pixelated menus, etc...) to resume I didn't like them, so I'm here today with a new skin that proposes perfection, professional design, and performance. As I mention before this is a first look, a preview, I will continuously be updating this post to show new screenshots and the progress of this skin, now this skin is intended for any 320x240 px phone like the Motorola E8, if anyone is interested on helping, providing ideas, commenting or even ask is welcome. I understand that the preview is still basic enough to be called "Revolutionary", but i'm still developing this Visual Style, soon it would look "Revolutionary". Please feel free to comment, ask, etc... There is an update to this skin:, Deisler Smith.