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Motorola Phone Models / ELF / Re: [GUIDE] Edit DRM event code to Run ELF
on: October 19, 2009, 04:17:02 pm
Zdune, has PP_DnpEditor.elf operate in English? Because it only works for Chinese language, and causes reboot.
Edit: Solved!
Edit my dnp.prf on my PC, eliminating unreadable characters, then PP_DNPEditor.elf run smoothly.
Motorola Phone Models / ELF / Re: ELF Applications and News [general info]
on: January 13, 2009, 08:11:42 am
Elf automatic calibration testimony Battery elves Infograph (versions 2.0 and above)
The principle of operation: Elf reads the current battery, and compares with the values specified in the config. If the current value is greater than the maximum value in the configuration, it is replaced by the current. If the current value is less than min value in the configuration, it is replaced by the current.
How do I use? Copy the folder with Infograph `th, and add to After a 1-2 charge-discharge cycles min and max zacheniya be determined, and can be removed from the autoloader Changes in the values of the charge will take effect when you restart the News.