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76  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: Is there firmware or something for Mac to mod my E1 Rokr? on: July 16, 2008, 01:42:38 am
1)download flash backup 2.62 in PC software section at
2)download a monster pack in monster pack at make sure you choose the monster pack for ROKR E1 Bootloader (0A.02).
3) after downloading it, find in the compressed file like rar. zip. or 7z. file that had been downloaded, a file with .shx file format then flash it into your phone.

how to connect your phone to computer?
in to tutorial section at, with title ' how to connect your phone to computer?'. follow the instructions carefully..

you also need to download the motorola driver for your phone. go back to PC Software section at, searchfor the p2k driver 2.9 then download it then read and follow the instructions frm the above how to connect your phone to computer well.

good luck.
77  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: need help after 42R for all on: July 16, 2008, 01:14:16 am
could you enter bootloader mode?
if yes.. restore ur fullbackup that previous day you created.. it should ae 32MB backup..
if no backup...use moto repair studio demo. its warez,search it in google..for version 1.01 ..
after getting it,,
select phone model E398.. and hit repair..follow the instruction until finish well, then flash 07.D0, then flash 42R for all full.. ur e398 will alive again.. then restore only ur PDS backup.

boot 07.d0 and 42r for all full

good luck
78  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: FAST FIRMWARE? on: July 16, 2008, 12:48:22 am
the best is 34R.. its better than other 4xR fw.. with 34R,I get 3 days full battery life. (battery was over 1 year old since purchased.)
I like the sound..not as 42r, I think 34r has bigger bass, than 42R that more treble that terrible the ear..
please try it.. be carefull, this 34r has lock to Cingular should patch it first.. java is very fast score 156 in Java benchmark 2.0.. also the FW is very stable n surely very fast..
not as 42r, n 7xr, both of them are buggy and laggy. so not stable..

some issues tell we also reupgrade ur BL to 0A.02,by flashing 34r first..
directly flash 42r with OA.02 BL will lead to ERROR:0x500.. dont do this! its make ur IC flash fail n damaged in unerasable flash memory.. testpointing can erase this eror,but flashing new boot into it will never success..
79  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: ROKR E1 bad signal... on: July 16, 2008, 12:07:07 am
what the radiocomm is?
a kind of service center? where can I get the services from there?

No..its not HW problem I think.. I insert other SIM Card different than mine, the signal always full.. rarely decreased..

I think my Service provider had the problem, such as overload since this holiday month..thx juklinov.
80  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / ROKR E1 bad signal... on: July 14, 2008, 10:34:33 pm
hi mate. .

I opened the circle rubber behind the LCD that cover the PA or antenna of my ROKR E1..and after I insert it again.. but after powering on the phone..signal is weak..before I open rubber,signal always full.. but after opening rubber,n closing it again,signal decreased to be weak,only 2-3 bar strip,often 1 bar only..
whats happen?
whats function of rubber? i guess rubber only be used to protect antenna from dust,or water. isn't it?

i plan to replace the rubber or antena for new ones in MSC,but they said no rubber original to be sold.. they just can replace my antenna with new one. how cost of antena? n the rubber?

My specs
phone ROKR E1
boot OA.02 (reupgraded from 07.D0 by SMART CLIP TP + R373 34R_A by MSC)

any opinion or advise?
thx. regard.
81  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: Fatal problems after testpoint... on: March 28, 2008, 05:29:42 am
what will you do if get ERROR:0X500,, tespointing and??
82  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: Fatal problems after testpoint... on: March 28, 2008, 05:27:24 am
still waiting for ones...

Tried testpoint more than 20 times,,, still UNFLASHABLE PHONE,,,,SENDING LOADER FAILED... ERASING MEMORY FAILED TOO..
WITH Moto Repair Studio.... Phone found, sending loader failed... and erasing memory also failed always...

RAMLDR says ERR when sending ldr.bin always,, not until ACK JUMP... error in hung phone

                                     IDLE   X
                                     NORMAL  X
                                     ABOVE NORMAL  X
                                     URGENT  X
                                     REALTIME  v (selected)


83  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: Fatal problems after testpoint... on: March 28, 2008, 05:19:41 am
yeah.. 0A.02 BL has two benefits according to me...
1) PDS in ROKR is protected since you can't access PDS directly, except you use Random Dualboot file including the Random downgarade ROKR Boot file...
2) Anyflash error may not make phone dead since it should enter in PHONE CODE SIG ERROR or RDL SIG ERROR... it never makes your phone is dead completely like you use 07.D0 bootloader. You will so uncomfortable with Forceboot and Testpointing with fullrisk damage to your physical parts of phone... 0A.02 can't be dead since it has motorola protection called 0TP ( One Time Programmable ) memory which only possible to be written once in a new "blank" IC ROKR flash memory. Any issues also say that although in low-battery, 0A.02 may still be able to flash MP completely... nevertheless, it is just my subjections...

Anyone had succeed to repair this issues?
Anyone succeed re-flash 0A.02 well? bypassing the ERROR:0X500, I think the testpointing also not possible to do this since your phone will go off and shutted-down, and trying to restore 0A.02.bin with Falshbackup, and my phone stucked in ERROR:0X500, I believe that there is conflict between PDS, master boot record in E398 flash memory, and with this BL itself.. How to erase all 32MB full without touching PDS and BOOT AREA?? with software?

Anyhelps to my dead phone and unflashable again?? help me..hayyo..

thx for anyhelps,,,
84  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Fatal problems after testpoint... on: March 26, 2008, 03:27:54 am
I testpointed my ROKR@E398 ( 07.D0 BL ) when upgrading BL to 0A.02,it was ERR:0x500 ( non-recoverable situation )... I testpointed it succesfully, and MultiFlashFlex detect Secure Blank Neptune LTE,, so far it succeed..
But new problem comes, after testpoint, my bootloader is blank, flash SW is blank, and in P2K Easy Tool v3.9, the program said my BL is 0000... when trying to flash 07.D0.shx bootloader with it, sending loader always failed, erasing memory always failed all, then my phone shutted-down, and cant enter *+# + power  on again... it blank totally... I CAN'T FLASH ANYTHING, FLASH,BOOTLOADER,PDS and other.... my phone refused to be flash with 07.D0,, I'm sure that now my phone doesnt have a bootloader, I think it is corrupt in PDS and BOOT area..
I used Multifalshflex,FB3,Flashbackup 2.62,flashbackup 2.3,RAMLDR for E398 and ROKR ( error when sending RAMLDR ldr_boot.bin, can't reach ACK JUMP, when erasing, the log said ERASE err and my phone shutted-down..),PST flash,P2K Easy Tools,MotoRepStudio full or demo can't flash my phone.. all of above software is not usable anymore...

"AFTER testpointing, my phone can't directly to be flashed by new bootloader... always stucked in sending loader error... check your PDS backup log.. erasing memory only 10% then phone shutted-down again always" Is it possible that the 0A.02 corrupt Bootloader still in my phone flash,because I think, the 0A.02 had been erased totally since testpoint method is done completely...

what happens in my phone? I trying couple of times to testpoint it,but the result is always same, my phone still unflashable again... help.. help.. help
ANY SOlutions any idea... Huh?
thanks for anyhelp.. regards..
85  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: Need R373_G_0E.34R_A3 For ROKR (boot 0A.02 please)+ E1_RepImg please.. on: March 24, 2008, 06:28:44 am
sorry for impatience of me..
86  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: Need R373_G_0E.34R_A3 For ROKR (boot 0A.02 please)+ E1_RepImg please.. on: March 24, 2008, 06:11:27 am
ouggh,,,.. very hard to search E1_repImg for use to Ramldr vilko by Almazka in internet... no one found..

please help me to upload it here or in esnips please....
87  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: Need R373_G_0E.34R_A3 For ROKR (boot 0A.02 please)+ E1_RepImg please.. on: March 24, 2008, 05:35:02 am
finally I got R373_G_0e.30.34R fullflash for ROKR... just one file needed: E1_RepImg ( will be used in Ramldr  for ROKR by Vilko )...

please help me to give link ( not dead link, freely, always online, and very fast dowload provider please...)
I need E1_RepImg.......

help!! me

e1_repImg please... I had looked it for google and other search engine,and russians sites but no one found..

THXXXX...!thanks for all... kiss
88  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Re: Need R373_G_0E.34R_A3 For ROKR (boot 0A.02 please)+ E1_RepImg please.. on: March 24, 2008, 03:51:06 am
Why not? We are going to try that,, if it is end to err:0x500, we have testpoint method to fix it...
Anyone have the files? I think ROKR and E398 machine when blank of flash is same... ROKR can be flashed with 07.D0, why not E398 dont? I succeed flash E398 with boot 07.D0,07.D1,07.E1,08.A0 completely no problem... but just one why 0A.02 boot always stucking E398 in ERR:0x500 since R373 flash and boot 07.D0 have not erased yet?

any have files?
thanks for Niksy comment,,
89  Motorola Phone Models / Motorola E398/E790/E798/E1 / Need R373_G_0E.34R_A3 For ROKR (boot 0A.02 please)+ E1_RepImg please.. on: March 21, 2008, 06:47:34 am
hey I searched for two above files, but didn't found it in any sites in google and other.... please it is now possible to upgrade boot 0A.02 from 07.D0 with this guide:

but, I dont have the original R373 34R for ROKR and E1_repImg for RAMLDR..
Why not 42R, because it must end in error"0x500".. please help me. thx..

Anyone has the two files,please send me. thx
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