Title: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on April 10, 2009, 08:28:25 pm MP Mixed By jzzz (http://storage.e398mod.com/mp/jzzz/jzzz.JPG) For e398/Rokr e1 with BL 07.DO For Rokr e1 using, you can Downgrade your BL first or convert it to Rokr e1 MP. I put the BL Down kit in this MP. Firmware : R373_G_0E.30.49R Flex : flex GCKKGLO900SPLA0A3 DSP : 6252A000 GT/PT : Mixed by Me (More Bass,try using Walkman headset with make your own connector first) Syssound : Mixed by Me Tech : Quad-band GSM (850/1900 and 900/1800) Language : 002E English 6 fonts Feel the speed,it quite really fast.. Fonts : -Block -Kristen -Niagara Solid -Enlightment -Revolution -Pixel Phone Memory: Free : 2554 kb Used : 6809 kb Total : 9364 kb Skin: XpressMedia (only one skin,for more free space) Java: - Alkitab Go Bible (Indonesian Version) - Dictaphone - eBuddy - Microsoft Word - Mini Commander v4.0 - MP3 tools - Onimod 2.06 - PD English-Indonesia - ReadManiac - Student Calculator - No corelets here Patches: -- Abolish Alarm OFF from list -- Abolish control by illumination Java -- Access function from corelets -- Access main menu everywhere -- Access to seem 004a from corelets -- Add new simbol -- Analog n no clock -- Auto delivery report sms -- Auto unlock keypad when sms arrive -- Autokeypad lock -- Autostart Java from DateBook -- Batt indicator expand -- Bg in player v2.1 -- Blacklist -- Brightness -- BT Time up to 5 minutes -- Camera button 1x camera 2x videocam -- Cancelation check signature java -- Canvas all keys -- Change display timeout activity -- Change font operator -- Change in the re-activation of the Alarm Clock to 5 minutes -- Change keypad lock unlock -- Change menu opcode -- Change menu sound,pic,video -- Change ringstyle with Menu+# -- Change simbols order -- Change zoom -- Changes the record format YY-MM-DD_HHMM -- Clock in keypad lock message status -- Clock on SS -- Complete access to the file (Java,BT,OBEX) -- Elfpacks -- Flashlight star+star -- Green call dialled & received calls -- Icon of alarm clock in ss -- Icon of received calls in ss -- Increasing bell replaced the Preferred Card -- Java black background -- Java full access patch -- Java key -- Java with the cable works -- Keypad block in menu -- Keysound replace Battery Savings -- Master Clear & Master Reset Failure -- Media search -- Mma skin -- MP3 bitrate up to 320kb -- New date format -- New increase heap,Midlets & Corelets 1500 kb -- New recent call -- No busy audio channels by lowbatt tone -- No del call on sim change -- No sound volume -- No Java Icon -- Patch 6 fonts -- Pseudo Playlist -- Quick access sound & picture -- Reflect corelet in the list java -- Removal limitation system file -- Removal unnecessary TF folder -- Remove checking safety and addresses -- Remove drm the protection.fpa -- Remove ID the melody of subscriber from sms -- Remove status line -- Resolution up to 1280x1024 -- Set default Rsoft in web sessions -- Sort date or alphabet in animation -- SPeed UP -- Status light -- Store foto without menu -- Time and Name in the list of the alarm clock -- Unlock all seem -- Update time interval sms reminder 2m_2m_2m Elf: LRCPlayer as Corelet,and possible to play musics with Lyrics. Elf still place in TF,i think it more stable. Shortcuts keys: - Menu + Menu ==> back to Main Menu - Menu + Red ==> lock keys - Menu + Green ==> unlocking keys - Menu + * ==> change ringstyle - Menu + 0 ==> opcode - * + * ==> flashlight - 0 + * ==> Pictures - 0 + # ==> Sounds - Camera button ==> 1x to Picture Cam, 2x to Video Cam Thx to: All MP's Author and Modders. Forgive me for all of you,if i taken your masterpiece. :) Notes: - Phone Unlock Code : 1234 - Phone Security Code : 000000 - To Delete, Move, Copy, or Assign to Categories for files on Sound, Pictures, and Video...you have to Mark the file first with button 0 I put video about force boot method. Try it for Knowing more about this MP.... Download from this link: http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/586/30/ or mirror Here (http://www.4shared.com/file/101583679/25f198aa/Mixed_By_jzzz.html) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 10, 2009, 10:35:31 pm Thanks 4 share..
But we love screenshot.. :) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 10, 2009, 10:45:53 pm My share files here:
http://www.4shared.com/dir/14393363/ecb7c348/sharing.html Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 10, 2009, 10:48:53 pm I'm confuse to make a screenshot.
How to make it? Is it drawing or take photo with camera? Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 10, 2009, 11:00:40 pm Do you changed my karma?
Thx for karma bro. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 10, 2009, 11:13:36 pm how to take screenshot
http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/174/28/ And please, just 'modify' ur post when u want to add info or change ur post , make a new post in a row is annoying :) Karma? Exploited do, not me.. https://motohell.com/index.php?action=viewkarma Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 11, 2009, 01:25:32 am Thx exploited for karma.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: chinitopex on April 12, 2009, 12:18:38 pm yeah I`m confused
I don`t see the screenshot :) but thanks 4 share now download ;) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: ZduneX25 on April 12, 2009, 12:31:37 pm @friend
screenshot will be soon @jzzz good job Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 12, 2009, 06:36:21 pm @chnit
sorry about screenshot. @zdune thx Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: reE_cooL on April 12, 2009, 09:05:40 pm thanks jzzz..
nice MP.. :D Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 12, 2009, 09:13:19 pm thx mate.
hope you enjoy. vibe fixed? Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: oniech on April 13, 2009, 01:41:48 am Make screen shot?Try using screener.elf?simple I think,thanx 4 share bro
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 13, 2009, 04:14:15 am You're welcome bro oniech.
Btw,how to use screener.elf? When open it,no action or nothing happen. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: oniech on April 13, 2009, 06:54:38 am After run screener(using elfRunner or MotoCmd)then press Camera key for make screenshot(cek picture on b/screen00.bmp).For turn off the screener.elf press #.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: ZduneX25 on April 13, 2009, 07:15:43 am First - open
Second - push camera button anyway read this: Quote 27.screener.elf ELF for taking screenshots Big alternative of MSnap. You will make a screenshot by pushing the smart key and you will get /b/screen*.bmp file in your phone memory (You have to set the smart key as camera) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: JEMAU MANAK on April 13, 2009, 08:59:03 am yes, screener elf is very good for making screenshot. no need to connect to computer
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 13, 2009, 06:01:21 pm Thx all,i have tried.
Worked,nice bro. I'll put it soon,coz i still Oni now. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: reE_cooL on April 15, 2009, 09:34:52 pm jzzz..
i can't flash this MP to my phone.. :( Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 15, 2009, 10:08:40 pm What you mean it can't?
What flasher do you use? Use FB 3 in flasher folder,included with driver. I have prepared all you have for flashing in that MP. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 16, 2009, 04:40:55 pm Have you success to flash bro?
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: chinitopex on April 17, 2009, 02:04:01 pm I have a question¿?
what is the bootloader MP ;) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 17, 2009, 02:26:17 pm I have a question¿? what is the bootloader MP ;) 07.DO Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 17, 2009, 04:46:19 pm Right,this MP is for 07.DO
You can see at the info about the MP. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: reE_cooL on April 17, 2009, 07:39:45 pm sory...
but when flash me written at BL error do there steps which must be conducted before doing flash..?? sory for my bad englis Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 17, 2009, 08:05:07 pm What you mean bro?
The step? What phone do you have? And what BL? IF your phone is e398 or Rokr e1 with BL 07.DO,, 1.Install FB 3 from the MP pack (i put it on this MP) 2.Run it and choose write data tab-select flash files and browse the MP,open and click write data 3.Copy elf folder to TF after flashing If your phone e398 or Rokr e1 with BL OA.02,you must edit it first to convert MP for use in Rokr e1. Or you can downgrade your BL,I put in on folder flasher-BL down. For downgrade: 1.Make sure that you really want to do this,bcoz it's very hard to back your BL 2.Open FB 3 and choose write data tab-select flash files and browse the BOOT_0A02_to_07D0_step1.fsw from for flasher-BL Down,open and click write data 3.Your BL will show to do step 2,browse BOOT_0A02_to_07D0_step2 and click write data. 4.Ok,your BL is 07.DO now. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Exploited on April 19, 2009, 01:48:38 am mirrored: http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/586/30/
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 19, 2009, 03:42:32 am Thx phil for karma.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: nandhoe on April 19, 2009, 06:14:34 am cool mp...but make my moto stuck...?!!
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 20, 2009, 12:34:45 am Stuck?
What stuck do you mean? Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: entusMM on April 20, 2009, 02:51:53 am Do you say, make conector firs can you gife me tutorial about change walkman handset work on e398..please!
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 20, 2009, 04:45:49 am Read this tutorial:
https://motohell.com/index.php?topic=4362.0 Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 08:43:08 am After flashing this MP, my phone was dead forever
Please help I flashed MP with my E1, which has already been BL downgraded to 07.D0. I have been using E398 everyday il trying this MP Current status: Blank screen (dark) Still 'connect' on FBU3/MFF/RSD Tried to fix: 1. Flashed any 398MP with FBU3 ->frozen/quiet 2. Flash BL07.D0 with MFF ->Phone seemed to be BLANK, finally failed 3. Flashed any 398MP with MFF Still 'connect' Once do anything with FBU3, it just froze like this.. (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa221/wrp008/mobileFORUM/killE11.png) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 21, 2009, 08:58:00 am Hv u try force boot?
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Exploited on April 21, 2009, 09:41:12 am MP download link temporarily removed until senior modder test it... Please anybody from the mods with E398 PM me and let me know if the MP is safe or not...
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 10:33:40 am Hv u try force boot? Not yet for this case (I used to do force Boot long time ago with my dead 398 -- buy sparking 2-pin bridge. It worked long time ago, but that case, the phone didn't show sign 'connect') Well I just did.. connect the phone (while it's dead) to PC, opened FBU3 removed battery, pressed and hold * # power, insert battery Then FBU diaplayed CONNECT in green texts again (Usually it will show the FW version in green) Here it comes frozen as ... (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa221/wrp008/mobileFORUM/kille13.png) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 10:54:10 am here for MFF
tried with some proven MP for 398 (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa221/wrp008/mobileFORUM/kille14.png) then it came (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa221/wrp008/mobileFORUM/kille15.png) Finally it failed I believed that my phone is still BL 07.D0 (It was E1). Am I right? Good that PC can still see the phone (shwing connect) But what FW/File should I do next? T_T Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 21, 2009, 02:37:55 pm Follow this tutorial:
https://motohell.com/index.php?topic=2611.0 1.Do TestPoint 2.You need to get ack erase with ramldr. 3.Your BL will show,and flash with 42r for all with MFF I'm sorry b4,i'm really don't know will make some phone die,bcoz i have tested this MP to all my friends b4,and get no problem with this MP. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 21, 2009, 02:47:27 pm Wait,it doesn't MP problem guys.
You have done a mistake when flash BL. You choose wrong profile,you must choose rokr e1 original when downgrade not the other! Phill,it's about wrong choosing profile when downgrade BL,please see the picture more details when wrp8 downgrade his BL. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 21, 2009, 02:52:20 pm sory... but when flash me written at BL error do there steps which must be conducted before doing flash..?? sory for my bad englis cool mp...but make my moto stuck...?!! ask them too.. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 21, 2009, 02:57:11 pm I'm really confuse about that Om tgezan.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 21, 2009, 02:59:47 pm dont panic mate, lets wait another tester ;)
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 03:18:20 pm OK mate
I currently have 2 E398 and 2 E1 I have flashed E398/E1 for few years. Previously my E1 was flashed with E1 MP (0A.02). Later, E1 could be dowgrade to 07.D0 BL and then I was successful downgrading E1 to 07.D0 BL. Both of my E1 were flashed with E398 MP. I tried many MPs without no probs. To be sure, before flshing with this MP, I started my E1 in BL mode to confirm. Yes it displayed BL 07.D0 R373_G_0E.30.49R (as seen in my signature) before being flashed. It is showing in the 1st page of this thread that 'For e398/Rokr e1 with BL 07.D0' so I tried it. Don't know why Probably it's not for E1 with BL 07.D0. OK will try to revive.. T_T Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 03:32:03 pm Wait,it doesn't MP problem guys. You have done a mistake when flash BL. You choose wrong profile,you must choose rokr e1 original when downgrade not the other! Phill,it's about wrong choosing profile when downgrade BL,please see the picture more details when wrp8 downgrade his BL. My friend For my E1@07.D0, I usually use profile 'Generic for phone with boot up to 07.D0' since I believe the phone is already BL downgraded. I don't think I should use the profile 'Motorola E1 ROKR(original)' in FBU3. I guess that is for E1@0A.02. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 21, 2009, 03:32:38 pm Are you sure that you have do step1 and step2 with the right step when you're downgrade your BL?
Please,make sure that the profile is correct. When downgrade you must choose e1 rokr original,and when flash this MP you must choose e398 reflashed to e1. Ok,i'm waiting for your result? Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 21, 2009, 03:37:26 pm What?
You mean that you are already have BL 07.DO b4 flashing this MP? Why you flash your phone with BL down? It's only for phone that have a BL 0A.02 not for the phone which already 07.DO Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 03:46:59 pm Dear jzzz
As i said, I have already successful downgraded E1 BL 0a.02 to E1 BL 07.D0 since last year. I have tried with many E398 MPs without problem. Recently I had the R373_G_0E.30.49R Starter Vista (yes, E398 version, not E1). OK will force BL with 2-pin needles first. Let's see my friend. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 04:00:14 pm WOW WOW Magic again
After 2-pin needles (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa221/wrp008/mobileFORUM/e1dead1.jpg) Sorry it is 46R, not 49R Anyway it is absolutely 07.D0 So think think think wrp8 What must be done next Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 21, 2009, 04:17:06 pm Force boot is useless for this matter.
You must do TP. Please follow the tutor from the link that given to you. I'm really don't understand what you mean? I guess,you're mean that your phone is already BL 07.DO right? If you're indonesian,you can PM me in bahasa. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 04:21:34 pm What? You mean that you are already have BL 07.DO b4 flashing this MP? Why you flash your phone with BL down? It's only for phone that have a BL 0A.02 not for the phone which already 07.DO Hi jzzz I think we may have miss understanding. I think we both know what to do or how to flash MP. I try to explain again My E1 already Downgraded to BL 07.D0 It became E398 version since last year I flashed many time with other 398 MP Still OK Today I flash this MP (this thread) Then it passed but I didn't turn on the phone (so I didn't know if there is any probs and I thought it shouyldn't be any problems) I continued flashing LP0021 (my language) That's it the phone dead Not boot Blank screen Hmm... after that I did many thing such as .. (Oh you may be confused with my post in previous page) 2. Flash BL07.D0 with MFF 'Tried to fix: 1. Flashed any 398MP with FBU3 ->frozen/quiet 2. Flash BL07.D0 with MFF ->Phone seemed to be BLANK, finally failed 3. Flashed any 398MP with MFF' I did that after I tried many ways to recover my phone I thought the BL may be erased so I jsut flashed back (yeah it didn't work with any flash file) I didn't do downgrading my phone today, mate, and I did that long time ago. OK.. jzzz and other modder friends Thanks for all of your support My E1 is back now After getting BL as seen in the previous post, I flashed with MotoMusiqV2 for 398 using profile '07.D0'. It works now (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa221/wrp008/mobileFORUM/e1dead2.jpg) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: PackPunk on April 21, 2009, 04:24:32 pm Thanks for share jzzz..
I've flash it to my E398, and it's work. It should be work on E1 ROKR with 07.D0. Another warez... You put FB3 with SN on the package and a song (it's pirate right?) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 04:29:04 pm Thanks jzzz for you help
I did force boot and it worked Few years ago, I bought a dead 398 to play with TP I didn't realise that I had to break/destroy my phone The phone back need to be cut with cutter or sharp knife since the points were hinding under metalic cover Yes it didn't work and I just threw my phone away It's alright since it only cost few pounds I think I was not professional that time Well I also have another E398 (more two phones) but I am not sure if I dare to flash your MP or not. jzzz I like your MP and wanna try Maybe I'm gonna wait until many poeple have test it more Cheers, mate I am not Indonesian but near your country :P Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 21, 2009, 04:32:51 pm OMG.. Warez again? Should i remove the link? AGAIN!?!?
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 04:35:46 pm @PackPunk
Maybe I can try this MP with my E398 What do u think? Now we realise that E1@07.D0 MAY NOT work. I quote MAY NOT because it may work. After flshing E1, I didn't turn the phone on and I just continued flashing LP. So I might try my E1 again .... but ... hehehe... still scared a bit! Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 21, 2009, 04:37:41 pm Ok,i'm sorry my miss understanding.
Nice to hear that your phone alive. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: PackPunk on April 21, 2009, 04:40:57 pm @ wrp8
yes you can, but you have to make backup first... :) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 21, 2009, 04:43:20 pm I'm sorry about it om tgezn and packpunk,i'll remake it soon.
I'm surviving national test now,so i can do it right now. Owh,right wrp8,that LP is doesn't match with this MP. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: wrp8 on April 21, 2009, 04:47:44 pm Owh,right wrp8,that LP is doesn't match with this MP. Sounds strange to me that the LP 0021 (CG4) cannot be flashed to this MPTitle: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: koplo on April 22, 2009, 01:37:35 am sorry masta tegzn,maybe i soo noob,but i just want to answer how to can do a force boot,maybe it can help me if my phone some time die,thanx before.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 22, 2009, 02:35:01 am @koplo
Just do search, with key word 'forceboot or force boot'.. Ok?! :) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 22, 2009, 02:36:57 am @koplo may i help you?
You only need to short 4th n 5th pin,count from the right at front side, And then put the battery. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on April 22, 2009, 02:46:26 am @koplo may i help you? Too many questions like that b4, so stop to spam n use 'search'..!!You only need to short 4th n 5th pin,count from the right at front side, And then put the battery. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: d2n_rokr on April 22, 2009, 03:42:26 am I Try & test ;) Thanks 4 Sharing bro :P
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: koplo on April 22, 2009, 04:34:17 am thanx a lot of masta jzzz,that maybe usely for me at some time,n for masta tgezn i'm sorry if masta think i spam,that not spam's masta i realy noob masta.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: d2n_rokr on April 22, 2009, 06:05:57 pm Good Job is nice MP :)
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: muadzin on April 23, 2009, 12:35:26 am Thanks 4 share.. :)
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Exploited on April 24, 2009, 09:42:41 pm reposted
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Exploited on April 24, 2009, 11:58:16 pm removed warez MP3 and FB serial from the archive.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: _YOGI on April 26, 2009, 02:44:22 pm Dudeee I really fancy this MP
just flash it YAY! haha I like the drm and all even though the sounds, in my opinion, it's not as uhmm may I say clearer than Mbuhgakeruh or Motohell... but it's loud and I like it after all hahaha plus I use headsets eveytime so.. yeah^^ I hope there's no bugs though :/ so karma for you^^ Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 26, 2009, 04:17:40 pm Thx yogi.
I'm just mixed n mixed. Hope you enjoy. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: dubone on April 27, 2009, 07:33:50 am When going to your MP Mixed Cell is not the sign of the operator, it is also the DJ Life Music.
Already spent more than 30 MPs in my E398 and only these two Mps are no signal. Any help? Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 27, 2009, 03:18:23 pm I just hide the operator sign.
But no problem with the signal, For make it appear,just install a new skin. Look it this: https://motohell.com/index.php?topic=4495.0 Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: dubone on April 29, 2009, 11:36:26 am Thanks for the reply, downloaded the MP Mixed By jzzz (full) and not the same problem occurred so far this perfect. I will try to correct the error with the MP DJ Life and the E1 MP Music Edition which also occurred the same error.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on April 29, 2009, 03:16:08 pm Hope you enjoy.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Arnold on May 11, 2009, 04:04:24 pm my phone was dead using this MP
same thing happened just like wrp8 problem the previous mp was MotoClassic II 42R i did forceboot and now switching back to MC II Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: tegezan on May 11, 2009, 04:10:30 pm again.. dead phone report.. :(
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: chinitopex on May 12, 2009, 01:14:12 pm Is bad for you sorry :(
you will be forzet the bootloader for e398 check the file download and the video :) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: so3c0rn on May 15, 2009, 01:29:10 am hp motorola E398 that I have to upgrade in the rokr E1. profile what should I select?
e398 reflashed to e1 or rokr e1 Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on May 15, 2009, 02:55:23 am Choose e398 original if you never flash b4.
Choose e398 reflashed to e1 if you have flashed b4. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: so3c0rn on May 16, 2009, 10:26:03 pm skin in this monsterpack what can I use after I parser? because I ago I used to take flash skinnya I fear death as hapeku been tried by a modder.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on May 17, 2009, 11:51:29 pm Do not fear mate,just to be calm!
You're only need to do safe flash. Do not change anything when flashing this MP,coz sometimes that will killed your phone like some modder who get killed their phones. You can change something,for example the LP when you are successfull to flashed. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: so3c0rn on June 01, 2009, 04:59:36 am @ jazz please send me this skin mixed mp. already in use motocommander copy. because I love this skin mp. telusuri Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: koplo on June 02, 2009, 08:54:41 am @ jazz,can u share skin this MP,i like the skin jazz,same like @ soc3corn say jazz
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on June 02, 2009, 05:17:44 pm Ok i will attach soon.
I will attach when i go to internet rent. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: koplo on June 02, 2009, 05:34:28 pm thanks sob ;)
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on June 03, 2009, 12:07:20 am Xpressmedia skin HERE (http://www.4shared.com/file/109571336/cc5f93e9/XpressMedia.html)
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: koplo on June 03, 2009, 09:00:36 am thanks sob jazz,i will go to the warnet for donwload that skin.
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on July 01, 2009, 08:46:15 am UPDATE MP,Moving to 79r!
DOWNLOAD: http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/592/30/ http://www.4shared.com/file/115292558/c2ba2e07/Mixed_79R.html CAUTION : - THIS MP IS FOR E398 & ROKR E1 WITH BL 07.DO! - FLASH USING FLASHBACKUP 3 OR ABOVE - MAKE SURE THE BATTERY IS FULLY CHARGE - FOR E398 USER PLEASE PATCH THE KEYPADLOCK (YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT EVER YOU WANT) WHEN FLASHING THIS MP (BECAUSE THIS MONSTERPACKUSING KEYPADLOCK MENU + ITUNES) THAT USE IN ROKR 07.DO - PUT ELF FOLDER ON DRIVE b: (TRANSFLASH),ONLY APP IN THIS ELF FOLDER, ALL ANOTHER ELF IS RUNNING FROM PHONE ON a: & c: - ALWAYS COPY THE CONTENT OF FOLDER SKIN TO THE SKIN THAT YOU WILL USE - YOU CAN USE FLEX.ELF FOR RENAME THE FLEX NAME THIS MP IS BASED ON DAR 1.0 MIXED AND UNLIMITEDMOTO More Features: - Fixing Bug 3MB heap size - DRM mixed from DRMchanger - LRCPlayer 1.2.1 as corelet run from a: - Rewind and forward when playing video - Simple mma_ucp - More stable battery life - Active desktop run from TF - Installing skin from file manager Thx to all Modders.. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Exploited on July 02, 2009, 09:55:23 pm mirrored
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: abenk182 on July 03, 2009, 06:41:39 pm my phone is e1 reflashed..
i've got trouble with lockkeypad,,it wsn't work when i press menu+itunes whats wrong?? Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on July 03, 2009, 07:31:20 pm Owh,,
try to patch with another keypadlock? is it cleared? Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: acesuresh on July 10, 2009, 10:09:21 pm Before flashing i did not read the whole post and the result is this :-(
Hi all, i flashed my e398 with MP "mixed by jzzz" with FB.3. The flash was successful (PASS !!) but i could not turn on my phone. I did a hard boot and the boot screen says "low battery can't program" What to do next? Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on July 11, 2009, 12:39:06 am What have you done?
low battery? try to charge using desktop charge first. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: oniech on July 11, 2009, 01:40:12 am mixed again!thanx 4 share jzz_ca
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: acesuresh on July 12, 2009, 11:28:57 pm What have you done? low battery? try to charge using desktop charge first. What did i do? i flashed your MP :) The good news is my e398 is back alive.... o really missed her. I was desperate as i really did not want to lose my phone. i went hunting and got a universal desktop charger and flashed her back to life. But still thank you .. buddy I agree it was low on battery (no idea how)... but still later my phone never switched back on :(.. is something is wrong with ur MP :P Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on July 20, 2009, 05:03:00 am You're welcome Om oniech.
@ace Just do safe modding,and always make sure the battery is fully charge when modding. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: ias on July 21, 2009, 01:20:06 am Hi jzzz,
Thank you for the MP, it is nice. Anyway, I have a problem... When I use the phone for long enough, like for call or run the ELF/Java apps, the MP3/MP4 player will not run (no sound), either using music player or as ringtones. Could you please help me? I love this MP, so don't want to change, but this problem often make my incoming call/sms not notified. Best Regards, ias Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on July 21, 2009, 01:32:54 am You mean that sometimes no ringing when incoming sms or call?
maybe you are entered the redmenu,right? If it is right,the problem is entering redmenu causing problem in ringtone. So do not enter redmenu if you are won't to restart,turn off or bootloader. I will repack the elf soon. To decrease some bug. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: ias on July 21, 2009, 02:07:52 am No, the problem is not the redmenu I think, because when I try the redmenu then there is still no problem in MP3/MP4 sound.
I forgot to mention this one: there is no problem if I don't use an MP3 ringtone, an sms/call ringtone still can be heard. So, the MP3/MP4 problem is only after: - call for long enough (not always). - using ELF/Java apps for long enough. In my imagination, it is like after we use an application that need a lot of processing time or memory, the MP3/MP4 problem will appear. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on July 21, 2009, 02:25:04 am Maybe the problem is heap.
Try to change heap in setting-macho mod setting. Select the other heap. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on July 31, 2009, 01:40:50 am Elf repacked!
Add more Elf apps, But sorry,still the same elfloader, I don't know why it can be update. For someone that can update the elfloader,please tell Me! Preview: (http://dipciw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p_YAlUzei1Sh9ec6-KsgHYsBJoivfxJ7WMjYTFkWwgXBzIz5-upExrdSAYXLZeSAy80ckXqzSZDOTwkqLry9p7g/Nokia.GIF).(http://dipciw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pbcNau5iw_cVdpuvagUXK1M-DBGnz32W-XRUwHtsCODV0T68Rk3coljIgnHsfCNQJ-jDH7FrK0BAKutUvxGMp5A/Sony%20Ericsson.GIF) DOWNLOAD (http://cid-49bbbaa81aa3f502.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/e398mod/Elf%20repacked.zip) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: ZduneX25 on July 31, 2009, 01:44:36 am cool ++
I think you can try with other patch elfpack.fpa and register.fpa Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: KHAYAT on August 12, 2009, 07:11:46 pm Dear masta Jzzz and All,
maybe i'm late about this MP. Yesterday i just got DL it. I'm really like this MP. The first everything run OK. But after i add some skins. I got strange. The clock is disapper on screen.what was happen ? Is this MP dosn't support if i add new skins. Also please tell me why memory messages're little ? about 20 Massages. Than i got warning memory is full. Thanks you Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: so3c0rn on August 13, 2009, 06:51:19 am jazz have no phone you can not? cz I get easily get mixed mp this problem?
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: ZduneX25 on August 13, 2009, 06:57:32 am Also please tell me why memory messages're little ? about 20 Massages. Than i got warning memory is full. Maybe your messages are saved on SIM Card. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: KHAYAT on August 13, 2009, 08:11:00 pm I have chosen Telpon memory.
i delete all massages but memory indicate 1 not zero. Any body know *.*-h-s-r/s /d whaT for the code and how to use it. i got it from quick notes after i flashed my phone. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: dark_moto on August 13, 2009, 10:11:24 pm I have chosen Telpon memory. i delete all massages but memory indicate 1 not zero. Any body know *.*-h-s-r/s /d whaT for the code and how to use it. i got it from quick notes after i flashed my phone. it is the file attribute, you can use cmd(command Prompt) in your PC. *.* = all filetype -h = remove hidden files -s = remove system files -r = remove readonly files /s = processes matching file in the current folder and all sub folders /d = process folder as well or you can see on CMD attrib /? Title: Mixed by Jzzz MP bugs Post by: anthonyhermawan on August 28, 2009, 08:08:22 pm 1) Every phone's restarted, phone always hang in white screen.
2) Every I change the langpack, the digital clock in status area lost. 3) Phone often didn't ring even the ringstyle's soft or loud, but new message was still displayed, and the call also, i often missed my phone's calls. Please fix these problems. thanks. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on September 02, 2009, 01:25:54 am Wait,,
I will upload my MP repacked. About the sms,it caused of you open the redmenu. Please do not open the redmenu if you don't want to restart,boot or turn off. Bcoz it will make error for the ringtone. And don't forget to add region_table to your folder skin,bcoz this MP is using region_table for clock in ss,i was write this in readme file! Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Exploited on September 04, 2009, 10:46:29 pm mirrored: http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/601/30/
Title: Mixed Gen II by jzzz Post by: jzzz on September 04, 2009, 11:19:53 pm Mixed 79R GEN II
By jzzz CAUTION : - THIS MP IS FOR E398 & ROKR E1 WITH BL 07.DO! - FLASH USING FLASHBACKUP 3 OR ABOVE - MAKE SURE THE BATTERY IS FULLY CHARGE - PUT ELF FOLDER ON DRIVE b: (TRANSFLASH),ONLY APPS IN THIS ELF FOLDER, ALL ANOTHER ELF IS RUNNING FROM PHONE ON a: & c - KEYPAD TO LOCK & UNLOCK MENU+iTUNES,FOR E398 USERS PLEASE PATCH WITH MENU+STAR -PUT THE Elf FOLDER TO b: (TRANSFLASH) More Features: - Fixing Bug 3MB heap size - Rewind and forward when playing video - More stable battery life - Update loader to 6.5 - MotoCMD full acces plugin - Installing skin from file manager(MotoCMD.elf & Mini Commander.elf) - Start Menu for run app & elf - Informer that give information about disks and other - 2gb Patch applied - Patching from Phone (MotoCMD.elf & Mini Commander.elf) Try it for Knowing more about this MP.... Thx to all Modders.. Special for Zhang Liang,Rokrman,Zdunex,Oniech and Packpunk.. Preview (http://cid-49bbbaa81aa3f502.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Moto%20screen?uc=5&nl=1) Download (http://www.4shared.com/file/130327713/a9cfdcb9/Mixed_Gen_II_BY_JZZZ.ht) Mirror (http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/601/30/) Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: gie_lanz on September 04, 2009, 11:51:31 pm wow update MP.. awesome bro..
but i cant try.. must downgrade first.. T.T Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Tedi7even on September 05, 2009, 12:11:35 am Yeah finally Mixed Gen II Realese :) . btw, this mp based on DaR 1.3? Thanks for share
Title: Mixed Gen II by jzzz Post by: jzzz on September 05, 2009, 12:37:50 am @Gie
Udh,dwngrd aj bro. @Tedi This MP based on DAR 1.0 Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Tedi7even on September 05, 2009, 01:56:58 am Owh i see. Now i wanna know about elfloader. on other post u said you can't update elfloader, but now u use elfloader 6.5. How did u do it? Can u attach ur elfloader 6.5 here? Thanks before mate :)
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on September 05, 2009, 02:30:57 am You can use loader from e398mod.com or from my skydrive.
The problem is drmchanger,you must replace with the new one,you can get from my skydrive. After replace the drmchanger,you can update the loader. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: ZduneX25 on September 05, 2009, 02:44:57 am Friend great work, congratz ;)
++ Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: koplo on September 05, 2009, 03:02:13 am great MP ++from me,i will try soon sob jazz.
Title: Mixed Gen II by jzzz Post by: jzzz on September 05, 2009, 04:47:38 am Thx brada Z & koplo for karma. : )
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: vedesh on September 05, 2009, 08:46:18 am elf runner doesn't not work man. Any suggestions
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: Tedi7even on September 05, 2009, 02:34:21 pm Yeah it worked :D. Thank you very much jzzz. congratz for your new MP. karma added
Title: Mixed Gen II Post by: jzzz on September 05, 2009, 06:13:18 pm Thx tedi for karma
Hah,are u sure? Are there someone get the same problem? Maybe the problem is,you were forgot to put the elf folder to TF. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: KHAYAT on September 07, 2009, 01:30:15 am Hi jazz,
Congretz for you. Allow me to DL this MP. I hope no bugs in my Phone.... Thanks bro........... Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: jzzz on September 07, 2009, 03:56:45 am Hope you like..
Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: koplo on September 08, 2009, 09:11:14 am Great MP jazz,i have try n that great..++ again from me.
Title: Mixed Gen II Post by: jzzz on September 08, 2009, 05:10:27 pm @koplo
Thx for ++ Title: Re: Mixed Gen II Post by: Adale on September 08, 2009, 06:24:18 pm good MP
mate :) ++ 4 u Title: Mixed Gen II Post by: jzzz on September 09, 2009, 05:54:27 am @adal
Thx for karma Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Release) Post by: hanzkrenztn on September 10, 2009, 03:35:53 am great mp.. thx jzzz..
but i flashed with 79r.. which cant downgrade to 49r mp again.. how to downgrade to 49r? i feel this mp drains my batery so fast.. just for 1 day normal use. before flashed this mp i used motonova 49r, the baterry can hold up to 2 days.. so weird.. lol Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Release) Post by: jzzz on September 10, 2009, 04:00:20 am For e398,you can directly flash with other Firmwares.
Yeah,49r more better for lifetime batt. Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Release) Post by: koplo on September 10, 2009, 04:31:40 am @hanz in this MP we can get anything,ulimited video rcord,also we can ffoward n rewind,sorry for my bad english.
Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Release) Post by: hanzkrenztn on September 10, 2009, 04:46:23 am @jzzz: but i like this mp.. btw, how to remove the disk space information on the desktop jzzz? unfortunately i using rokr e1 downgraded to 07DO.. lol.. still cant flashed with 49r. i read in some source 79r is better in battery life than 49r? or am i wrong??
@koplo: yeah this mp really great.. fast as hell.. the only minus is the battery life.. lol.. nope your english really good.. hehe.. Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Release) Post by: jzzz on September 10, 2009, 04:51:46 am My phone is e1 07.DO too,it's the same with e398.
The simplest way to make the disk info away is delete informer.elf from auto.run No,49r is the stable FW n 79r is better on graphic quality,but decrease battery lifetime. Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Release) Post by: hanzkrenztn on September 10, 2009, 04:58:13 am but i have tried to flashed to motonova 49r my e1 cant woke up..
how about the speed, is 49r better than 79r? mixed II 49r already stable or not jzzz? i think i should flashed mixed 49r than 79r.. Is the mirror on 4shared is 49r version of mixedII? http://www.4shared.com/file/101583679/25f198aa/Mixed_By_jzzz.html ?? thx.. Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Release) Post by: jzzz on September 10, 2009, 05:10:21 am 79r more fast then 49r,coz it supported by heap 3mb,49r only 1,5mb.
That's my first MP. That's old MP,too many features too oldest on it,but the battery is stable. Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Completed) Post by: Exploited on October 02, 2009, 06:23:14 am fixed download in both original post and the quotation :)
Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Completed) Post by: vedesh on October 03, 2009, 04:51:12 pm Flash&Backup says that "cabinet file is corrupted" can somene advise me.
Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Completed) Post by: tegezan on October 03, 2009, 08:34:57 pm broken file maybe..
@jzzz please reupload your file.. Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Completed) Post by: jzzz on October 03, 2009, 11:13:30 pm @all
sorry about that,the file was infected by virus,so it caused the files corrupt. I will reupload it soon. But now still don't have a time. Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Completed) Post by: jzzz on October 04, 2009, 08:29:02 pm For this time the newest is:
Download (http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/602/30/) Mirror (http://www.4shared.com/file/136199426/49d917bf/Mixed_Gen_II_by_jzzz__repacked_.html) Title: Re: Mixed Gen II (Now Completed) Post by: kurox on October 09, 2009, 09:29:53 pm This great 79R MP i thing but i want ask why ringtone from incoming email is not stop like sms ringtone..can u fix that..? Thanks
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 09, 2009, 10:39:52 pm Mixed GEN III 79R by jzzz
CAUTION : - THIS MP IS FOR E398 & ROKR E1 WITH BL 07.DO! - FLASH USING FLASHBACKUP 3 OR ABOVE - MAKE SURE THE BATTERY IS FULLY CHARGE - KEYPAD TO LOCK & UNLOCK MENU+iTUNES,FOR E398 USERS PLEASE PATCH WITH MENU+STAR COPY THE MENU+STAR.fpa TO YOUR TF,OPEN WITH EXPLORER AND CLICK SELECT THEN APPLY. AFTER THAT RESTART YOUR PHONE - MAKE THE FOLDER ELF IN b: (TF) SCREENSHOTS: (http://nrrwda.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pwawdgpqBOUPBnRMpS-JsfthjNYF-HqBZBwvtmJXjBgNys4vrLi36ko8UkwxyGzoyUxMkWiyS9vPz-0YVpj9BnJUQhrAnhthq/S01.gif) (http://nrrwda.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pbNqbsKmR_48ZrwMzCiCPLbyJ3QQplajRTzPELCh8O52LuJ2x0IyrRXtNbjA4LlosnuhGljL6tfQwE45dvY3bhMF8ZAoUbS-u/S02.gif) (http://nrrwda.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pnAQ258Iedz0PeSmCLO3qDy8nNs98JvNzCJyjs5Yqx0drYGM04zHE946MnYmaLzNIARBDVYCgGANb5l0nsbU-giMyoUqz9sj8/S03.gif) (http://nrrwda.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pmOOPJhxA2V9-TXGB1jhPeoJNF6dZ-chlnuVjoDoMLiSuvxT2oJrptnwe-OYHBJWs4OJvLIQun7abxZgz6BHZ5UsoktFFXTFz/S04.gif) Features: - Fixing Bug 3MB heap size - Rewind and forward when playing video - More stable battery life - Update loader to 6.5 - MotoCMD full acces plugin - Installing skin from file manager(Explorer & Commander) - Start Menu for run app & elf - Actdesk for shortcut - 2gb Patch applied - Patching from Phone (Explorer & Commander) - LRCPlayer v1.3 desktopshow for possible playing music with lyric in background - Auto detect Headset to play music to activate or diactivate from security>Lock application>Headset or can be from menu+4 - Google Translator,support more than 50 languages - Webshot,you must make folder in b>mobile>picture>WPC>*.jpg - Correcting the langpack and skin structure - Informer Removed - Now work with MotoCMD with midtransfer as plugin within it for send java apps. Try it for Knowing more about this MP.... I'm sorry for grabbing your masterpieces without permissions. Thx to all Modders.. DOWNLOAD NOW (http://cid-49bbbaa81aa3f502.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/e398mod/My%20MonsterPack/Mixed%20Gen%20III.zip) Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: archer928 on October 10, 2009, 04:37:11 pm @jzzz
How long battery life in standby mode? And if I downgrade my E1 to BL 07.DO, can I upgrade it again to default BL? If can, how to upgrade? Thank you for your response. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 10, 2009, 06:43:06 pm @archr
Stand by about 1,5 day,according to your using. If you downgrd the BL,it can't be back to default. Only MSC that can do it. @kurox try with my new one,i hope the problem solve. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: Ottah on October 11, 2009, 02:11:00 am I just noticed you have released Gen III
i have two questions: 1) Can i flash this if im using your Gen II currently? I been using 49R mostly but can i use the 79R? Is it worth updating even hehe??/ 2) Can i change the DRM? the icons on the top, they come out all weird. Like the battery is supposed to be horizontal but it comes out vertical. Im thinking of changing to a diffrent DRm, would it be safe with this Mp? Cheers Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 11, 2009, 04:55:47 am It must be important,coz there are new things in this MP from gen II.
About the drm structure,that caused by region_table. I have put 2 region,vertical n horizontal. And you can choose what region that want to use,but must be according with the drm icons. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: kurox on October 14, 2009, 07:12:12 pm Ringtones for email is still the sound of repeated btw Batteries run out quickly, Langpack can not be used for other menu structure..thanks
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 14, 2009, 08:13:08 pm For hold battery life,use light.elf,download from elf apps thread.
And set the light like this: Brightness: 40 Min brightness: 0 Backlight: 10 Display timeout: 20 After that,don't 4get to put it in auto.run to make it run every phone start. About ringtone,maybe you are using midi file? try using mp3. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: edxm3talcor3 on October 14, 2009, 10:25:37 pm jzzz,why Synerj Tools not worked?
Is it system sound patch? can u attach UNDO here_79R? Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 15, 2009, 12:22:45 am As far as i know,synerj tools is for 49r.
about undo,i don't have coz i'm using DAR FW. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: boycuz on October 15, 2009, 12:36:33 am 2gb Patch applied, U mean we can use TF 2Gb capacity?
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 15, 2009, 12:52:50 am Yeah,right.
Tested successfully with sandisk n visipro. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: Dedie on October 15, 2009, 01:51:03 am Just wanna say...
Thanx alot 4shared... Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: kurox on October 15, 2009, 02:36:48 am @jzzz : i dont make midi tone..btw do you have an email ringtone not over continued..?
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 15, 2009, 03:52:53 am About the ring,you can make it yourself.
using mp3tool,you can cut mp3 music. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: fan00 on October 15, 2009, 02:37:35 pm Hi, The monsterpack is great, but I cannot modify the language pack, I would like to have more languages like spanish & franch, coild you please upload a language pack compatible. THANKS =)
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: boycuz on October 15, 2009, 07:06:44 pm great.....!jzzz...... ;) I can Use my 2Gb TF. Overall this is the best system why cause :
1. 2Gb TF 100% work, we can format the 2Gb TF with that patch. 2. can set the large of heap 3. forward & rewinded video player (I waiting for Landscape video display) 4. Fast respons of TF but i think skin of elegance. luxury is best and smooth than your. please upgrade the skin. or you try MP of elegance.luxury. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 15, 2009, 09:41:35 pm @boycuz
i dont like 49r FW,so i choose to use 79r. about the skin you only to get the skin from the MP you want. And then put the skin file to your TF,then press select at .ski file,it'll automatically install the skin and press yes. @fon i will try to find, but i'm not promise,coz i never use a spanish lang. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: boycuz on October 15, 2009, 11:10:36 pm when I play music at player, my moto always restart. why?......can help me!...
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: kurox on October 16, 2009, 01:04:44 am @jzzz I do not mean how to create ringtone but What ringtone to your email does not sound a repeat on like sms ringtone that only one sound..sory my english bad..
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 16, 2009, 03:52:46 am @boy
Sometimes 3mb heap not compatible in some phones,so try to change the heap to be lower in start>setting>extra @kurox in mine,there is no problem about that,so try to change the ringtone. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 16, 2009, 05:52:59 pm @fanOO
this LP included the spanish lang. Thx to Zdune for help me about this. DOWNLOAD (http://cid-1f3becbc4444c6df.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/E398/MixedGenIII.zip) Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: kurox on October 16, 2009, 05:59:02 pm You mean email ringtone sound kept repeating bcoz ringtone file..? I already use a special short sms as long but still repeated .. I want trying to file a special ringtone you got mail, attach please
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: oniech on October 16, 2009, 09:52:29 pm AFAIK on DAR firmware and flex ringtone for email like that,so the problem not on the ringtone I think.
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: kurox on October 17, 2009, 07:56:16 pm @jzzz so how to fix it..?
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 17, 2009, 11:52:25 pm @kurox
i think you must ask to the author of DAR m8. @boy you can use heap 3mb,but try to use light.elf and put in auto.run Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: bill_kevin on October 18, 2009, 08:35:15 am nice job, but i can´t play music in telephone memory and tranflash
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 18, 2009, 08:55:30 am @bill
What do you mean? There aren't MP can't play music. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: bill_kevin on October 18, 2009, 11:19:18 am If it is not because i cannot reproduce music with this mp or videos. It is locked
Si no se por que con esta mp no puedo reproducor musica ni videos se queda trabado. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 18, 2009, 05:54:18 pm I really don't understand?
What do you mean you cant reproduce music bcoz it was locked? And since this is international forum,so you must use an english. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: bill_kevin on October 19, 2009, 10:08:41 am Friend is a good mp, is an international forum with the intention of helping which has problems, does not import the language.
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on October 19, 2009, 05:16:52 pm Ok,thx.
I need in english,coz i don't understand any language,except my country lang n english. I just to make you know,sometimes moderator will warn you to use an english m8. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: kurox on October 29, 2009, 04:03:00 am Why etunes in MP you can not play some songs mp3, HP always restart every play certain songs and also hp hank or cannot be to the main menu if I run many programs such as etunes, opera or java, google transator..thanks
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on November 03, 2009, 05:40:18 pm Some phone doesn't match to use LRCplayer 1.3 desktopshow,so try to change it with eTunes.
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: kurox on November 04, 2009, 12:25:00 am @jzzz...how to change etunes..? u have elf etunes ? please attack new etunes version..thank masta
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on November 04, 2009, 01:40:54 am Tunes 4 mod:
https://motohell.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1939.0;attach=3890 Step for simple: Rename all file Tunes.elf .lng .cfg to be LRCPlayer.elf .lng .cfg Then overwrite. Just do it using mini commander. Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: kurox on November 27, 2009, 01:49:17 am thank jzzz..btw this mp cannot make ringtone for TF yah..?
Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: chinitopex on November 27, 2009, 07:36:52 am @kurox
I remember that the E398 can not be used Ringstone from transflash but there is a patch I can not prove this mp because I lost my e398 3 months ago I hope to buy one soon while I stay with my beautiful Moto L7 ;) Title: Re: Mixed Gen III Release Post by: jzzz on November 27, 2009, 05:22:02 pm @kurox
Only Dar 2 that can make ringtone from TF. And the patch is not giving for generally. So only using that FW to able that feature. Sorry late for answer. mklum dh jrg bk MH. Hee Title: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 23, 2009, 01:39:56 am MotoMix
based on DAR 2 test 10 EP2 inactive (http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p_OfkpJ5Qd_RSuKFgsNGocpf2QhRKe-3_i93eOa81eUHeHFoCjO2fJgJGWOYBvgcmL-XuIYs5u9EUhQAohu4MSQ/ScrShot_0D351800.bmp) DOWNLOAD (http://www.4shared.com/file/179426623/374bf9b9/MotoMix.html) Title: Re: MotoMix(NEW) Post by: koplo on December 23, 2009, 03:00:42 am Great job bro,i wait long time for MP made in indonesia based from Dar Mp,,++ for u joel.
MotoMix based on DAR 2 test 10 EP2 inactive (http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p_OfkpJ5Qd_RSuKFgsNGocpf2QhRKe-3_i93eOa81eUHeHFoCjO2fJgJGWOYBvgcmL-XuIYs5u9EUhQAohu4MSQ/ScrShot_0D351800.bmp) DOWNLOAD (http://www.4shared.com/file/179426623/374bf9b9/MotoMix.html) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on December 23, 2009, 09:45:30 am wow ! new mp based dar test 10 thanks bro for shared ! i love indonesian mp,i will try matur nuwun !
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: gie_lanz on December 23, 2009, 10:27:55 pm Wow awesome jzz..!
btw can used on BL 0A.02?? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 23, 2009, 11:01:46 pm Yes you can bro.
follow the step from Mr.ZL to change your RAMDLD. Steps : Extract MotoMix.fsw using FB3.xx, then change the RAMDLD (size : by clicking "From active profile" [your profile must be set to "Motorola E1 ROKR (Original)"], so it'll be change the RAMDLD for ROKR (size : 131.064). Then Save as... in .shx, and flashing. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on December 24, 2009, 05:07:05 am Jzzz u have jmidtransfer.elf !please give me,i will try ur tutor make moto cmd plugn java transfer !but i dont have jmidtransfer.elf !
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 24, 2009, 06:02:12 am @chikenrun
in this MP,we can't using motocmd 2. and about midtrnsfr,it was available in setting-java set-bluetooth Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on December 24, 2009, 06:09:15 am @jzzz check this mod MotoCMD 2.0 for EP2 version 1.0 (come from china)
but you have to translate *.lng file by yourself sorry ;( google translation: Code: File Manager Bookmarks Auto.run Modify the success of Had decompression Start Event Patch Offset Start own ZIP Hidden system files Scroll Read previous Auto Path DRM path HEX Path TXT Path Bookmark Path Read Hide System Archive Shear Copy Paste Paste Edit Remove Bluetooth New Folder Join Auto.run Update battery pack Open to HEX Open to TXT Decompression Property Regarding Set Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on December 24, 2009, 06:37:40 am @jzzz n zdunex thank bro ?mery cristmas for u !
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on December 24, 2009, 06:55:44 am @chikenrun your welcome and thanks
@jzzz ++ for your Mod MP @Everyone ;) Merry Christmas :D Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 24, 2009, 03:57:50 pm Merry christmass at all : )
thx brada Z,it's work. ±± for you. @chiken you can use my tutor using this motocmd. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on December 24, 2009, 04:05:09 pm I'm glad with you, thank you so much ;)
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 24, 2009, 04:19:31 pm Your welcome Z : )
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: altavizta on December 25, 2009, 05:20:20 am I can't download it with operamini..
can anyone give me mirror on skydrive? please.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on December 25, 2009, 11:16:28 am Done:
http://cid-1f3becbc4444c6df.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Mirrors/e398/MotoMix.zip Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: altavizta on December 25, 2009, 06:23:16 pm Done: http://cid-1f3becbc4444c6df.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Mirrors/e398/MotoMix.zip thank's bro.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: koplo on December 25, 2009, 06:36:16 pm don't use keypad lock patch menu+star.fpa just use menu+red.fpa
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 25, 2009, 10:13:29 pm MotoMix for 07.DO & OA.02
Now,can directly flash to Rokr OA.02 Thx to Mr.ZL for reuploading a fixed version Based on DAR 2 test 10 EP2 active With 3mb heap & jsr-82 DRM speed up to 50% (http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p_OfkpJ5Qd_RSuKFgsNGocpf2QhRKe-3_i93eOa81eUHeHFoCjO2fJgJGWOYBvgcmL-XuIYs5u9EUhQAohu4MSQ/ScrShot_0D351800.bmp) DOWNLOAD (http://www.esnips.com/doc/1d5b311e-7775-448d-83f8-3b0ce344c05e/MotoMix) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: koplo on December 25, 2009, 11:50:37 pm Great jzzz,i will redownload too.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on December 26, 2009, 03:35:47 am Another mirror (ZIP-file):
http://cid-1f3becbc4444c6df.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Mirrors/e398/MotoMix-26.12.09.zip Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on December 26, 2009, 08:31:54 am Wow update ! Jzzz i hear jsr 82 make battery drain faster,this is really .?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 26, 2009, 06:35:13 pm I don't think so.
Since we know,this FW is the best battery life ever. But i think GPRS that really make our battery drain faster. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on December 26, 2009, 09:13:24 pm Oh like that !em right jzzz i fell diferent with this mp !before this am using dar test 10 on 1 day iam 2 time charging my phone !but using this mp only 1 in 1 day !
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: altavizta on December 27, 2009, 02:03:11 am Oh, i have some problem..
with this MP, I must write sms very fast.. Its dificult.. what should I do? sory 4 my bad english Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: tegezan on December 27, 2009, 06:48:43 am just write text faster then....
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 27, 2009, 07:46:23 am Sorry,coz i really need faster,so i made it very fast.
For make it slower,you need to edit cg15 using drmspeed. But for simple,you only need flash your cg15 from original DAR 2tst10. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on December 27, 2009, 10:36:00 am Oh, i have some problem.. maybe u not sms holic bro ?he3x i think more speed more better?with this MP, I must write sms very fast.. Its dificult.. what should I do? sory 4 my bad english Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Exploited on December 27, 2009, 10:37:11 am Mirrored: http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/608/30/
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: edxm3talcor3 on December 27, 2009, 11:50:33 am Mirrored: http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/608/30/ This is corrupt :P,i have downloaded it(9.9mb) it should be 15.6mb Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: bill_kevin on December 27, 2009, 07:29:39 pm is it a 49r?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: sp4chamara on December 27, 2009, 07:36:49 pm at last ......here is the new MP...tnx....!!!
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: cakudin2 on December 27, 2009, 07:58:29 pm thanks for masta jzz this is great mp.....
btw I like font and skin from original dar.test10 when I install skin chrom to motomix mp font and background skint is same white color what should I do? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 27, 2009, 08:26:53 pm This 44r bro.
Sorry,skins from DAR can't appear the lang in this MP. So,it's only blank if you are using it. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: sp4chamara on December 27, 2009, 11:18:31 pm downloaded zip file is not working...i have tested it on win rar and 7 zip,bt i cn't open it... >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on December 27, 2009, 11:20:01 pm can VC work with this MP???
I've tried it, and the VC won't load... Why??? ??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on December 27, 2009, 11:24:03 pm downloaded zip file is not working...i have tested it on win rar and 7 zip,bt i cn't open it... >:( >:( >:( >:( Try the other mirror on the previously page.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 28, 2009, 01:13:41 am First,you must change the heap less then 1500kb.
go to setting-engineering-size heap then install the VC. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 28, 2009, 02:35:12 am MotoCmd2 for this MP.
I have set for use in this MP. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on December 28, 2009, 02:35:43 am jzzz can u help me i try to change soft key text with symbol !but after am flash it to phone just make phone rebbot ?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 28, 2009, 03:03:42 am Make sure that start addr n end addr of code group is the same with orignal of this MP.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: mazyks on December 28, 2009, 03:53:08 am Greetings the people at me such problem you put itap and it is dumped at once on tap prompt that it is necessary to make that wrote through ITAP on 10 test such was not
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on December 28, 2009, 03:54:32 am MotoCmd2 for this MP. thanks bro work !I have set for use in this MP. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 28, 2009, 04:35:46 am About iTap you can set from engineerin-additional setting
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on December 28, 2009, 10:11:12 pm First,you must change the heap less then 1500kb. go to setting-engineering-size heap then install the VC. Which heap that must be less than 1500 kb, the java or the VC heap??? cuz' on the heap setting, when the java heap increased, the corelet heap decreased.. so, which heap that need to be decreased to less than 1500 kb??? :-\ Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on December 29, 2009, 12:20:08 am First,you must change the heap less then 1500kb. go to setting-engineering-size heap then install the VC. Which heap that must be less than 1500 kb, the java or the VC heap??? cuz' on the heap setting, when the java heap increased, the corelet heap decreased.. so, which heap that need to be decreased to less than 1500 kb??? :-\ It's the java heap that must be less than 1500 kb...:D :-[ Thanks 4 the clue, Jzzz.. ;) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Exploited on December 29, 2009, 04:16:18 am reuploading...
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: koplo on December 29, 2009, 04:52:11 am Some one can attach the mma.ucp of this MP?coz i do the stupid thing i install new skin whit mma.ucp so all of elf app can show,pleas
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: archer928 on December 29, 2009, 05:25:15 am Some one can attach the mma.ucp of this MP?coz i do the stupid thing i install new skin whit mma.ucp so all of elf app can show,pleas Here mma_ucp from moto mix Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: koplo on December 29, 2009, 06:05:42 am Thanks man.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: vedesh on December 30, 2009, 04:44:05 pm Great MP . LOTS of features, nice GT!
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: vedesh on December 30, 2009, 05:16:34 pm Just tried to patch keypad lock patch but none worked. Can someone help me please?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Dedie on December 30, 2009, 06:57:50 pm Lock-unlock keypad 4 E398 :
You only need to copy the keypadlock.fpa to your TF and then open that file from phone using Motocmd/explorer,select it and press apply then reboot the phone... Thx 2 Mr. Jzzz he he... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 30, 2009, 10:04:11 pm Talking clock in english:
DOWNLOAD (http://wapshare.us/37526) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on December 31, 2009, 01:33:52 am Thanks jzzz 4 the talking clock in english..but where I should paste it to make it work???
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on December 31, 2009, 04:56:17 am Do you look the folder arrangement?
it's a-mobile-vst and put all xx.amr on it. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: vedesh on December 31, 2009, 05:11:01 am Thanks guys now everythimg is working fine .
@Jzzz: This monster pack is faster than my e8 rokr!!! Great work. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on December 31, 2009, 06:28:48 am If I want to put tunes elf to a/elf so it seperated with corelet, what should I do???
should I delete the LRC player elf first??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on January 02, 2010, 03:14:32 am @vdesh
thx m8,but do you really this MP is faster then e8? @schrickz This MP had already with Tunes 4. You only need to: 1.Open motocmd a-elf-auto.run and delete lrcplayer.elf from it 2.Open a-elf-tunes-tunes.cfg and delete it,then rename tunes.cfg_e1 to be tunes.cfg 3.Reboot the phone Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: vedesh on January 02, 2010, 06:22:30 am YES m8. VERY fast! GR88 JOB!
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: sp4chamara on January 03, 2010, 06:14:49 pm nice mp man...now i can select ring tone file from memory card..i like it...tnx bro... !!!
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Arief_way on January 04, 2010, 05:54:47 am Is this MP support 2GB transflash?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: vedesh on January 04, 2010, 09:43:23 am Is this MP support 2GB transflash? Yes.................I think.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on January 04, 2010, 08:08:39 pm @arief
yes you can Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on January 04, 2010, 10:42:26 pm Great MP and thanks a lot for the tutorial, Jzzz..
++ for you..;) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Arief_way on January 04, 2010, 11:55:34 pm I've flashed, and...
Wow, this is very fast Good work bro :) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on January 05, 2010, 04:50:09 am UrWc all.
thx schrickz for ++ Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on January 05, 2010, 05:57:46 am -Langpack renew-
content: -English + iTap -Indonesia -Javanesse -Sundanesse Added symbols in some strings. Thx to mr.zL for edited. DOWNLOAD NOW (http://wapshare.us/37667) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on January 06, 2010, 07:31:29 pm Mas jzzz how to fix bug in skin ?like dar 11,i try edit mma ucp not work,am use skin from dar 11 font not show ?any solution mas jzzz
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on January 06, 2010, 07:55:17 pm About mma,you can try edit using mma mobile editor.
I don't know why skin from dar,won't show the lang if using LP from my pack.But if you are using ori LP from dar,or zL lp,it'll be show. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: marinoez on January 08, 2010, 01:25:05 am langpack link error.......... miror please...........!! >:( >:(
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on January 08, 2010, 10:07:46 am ok, done:
here>> (http://cid-1f3becbc4444c6df.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Mirrors/e398/New%7C_Symbol%7C_MotoMix%7C_CG4%7C_%7C5with%7C_iTap%7C6.zip) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: marinoez on January 08, 2010, 08:38:04 pm @ZduneX25
TANKS............ :) :) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Arief_way on January 09, 2010, 03:48:52 am Someone help me,.
Why my redmenu lost after I use motocmd2 n tunes 4? I cant open corelets app, its always say application error, why? :'( I have change java heap/corelets: 1200/1800 Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chikenrun on January 09, 2010, 06:09:36 am Red menu ?maybe u mean star menu bro ?a u insttal new skin with mma ucp ?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on January 09, 2010, 08:50:44 am Maybe you lost your redmenu.res on a-mobile-system.
About corelet,try to use heap 1500/1500kb Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on January 09, 2010, 11:05:19 am U can't install another corelet with older version of 'midlet to corelet lib'..although u've changed the corelet attribute to 'signed', it won't work..I've tried it..the only corelet that works (with or without adding new plugins) is the one from Dar MP..it's 'midlet to corelet lib' version is 3.9 macho..
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on January 09, 2010, 11:05:26 am U can't install another corelet with older version of 'midlet to corelet lib'..although u've changed the corelet attribute to 'signed', it won't work..I've tried it..the only corelet that works (with or without adding new plugins) is the one from Dar MP..it's 'midlet to corelet lib' version is 3.9 macho..
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on January 30, 2010, 12:12:41 pm @Jzzz, what should I edit or change first from a skin before I install it in this MP???
I've tried installing some skins, but the result isn't same like the MotoMix default skins.. btw, what should I do to shows up the ringstyle icons on the status line??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on January 30, 2010, 05:54:53 pm You must put drm icons in c-mobile-skins-xxx-drm
You can look at the default skins to know how to put it. And for installing skin,you only need to copy many skins files to TF,and open using motocmd,and press select at .ski file,it'll automatically install. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on January 31, 2010, 09:39:12 am Thanks Jzzz, it works..
But still got a prob.. the battery n ringstyle drm icons are covered the status line clock on the upper right side, while in the default skins, those two drm icons take place on the upper left side,, what should I do to fix it??? btw, the skin I installed was 'ijo', it had cool Rokr Wallpaper n green highlite cursor.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on January 31, 2010, 06:39:22 pm You need to copy REGION_TABLE from a default skins.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on January 31, 2010, 11:56:24 pm You need to copy REGION_TABLE from a default skins. I've done that... But still the clock was covered by battery n ringstyle icons... :-\ ??? :( Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 01, 2010, 01:47:25 am Use REGION_TABLE from nokia skin.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 01, 2010, 10:29:20 am Problem solved,,
Big thanks, Jzzz.. Now there's no different beetwen the skins status line.. :) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 01, 2010, 03:03:07 pm Nice to hear that :)
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 02, 2010, 10:18:28 am @Jzzz; I just noticed 1 small prob..
the ringstyle icons is missing, even on the default skins, no ringstyle icons are appear on the status line.. got an idea on how to fix it??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 02, 2010, 10:47:58 am Region for this icon is to small, just correct it ;)
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 02, 2010, 11:06:10 am @ZduneX25; What should I do to correct it?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 02, 2010, 12:35:05 pm check this:
offset 01 02 03 04 open REGION_TABLE file by HexEditor.00000000 00 00 00 00 Signal space 00000004 00 15 00 0E Signal position 00000008 00 16 00 00 Gprs space 0000000C 00 23 00 0E Gprs icon 00000010 00 24 00 00 Bluetooth space 00000014 00 33 00 0E Bluetooth icon 00000018 00 27 00 00 ??? space 0000001C 00 33 00 0E ??? icon 00000020 00 34 00 00 Line space 00000024 00 45 00 0E Line icon 00000028 00 46 00 00 Alarm, java space 0000002C 00 57 00 0E Alarm, java icon 00000030 00 58 00 00 SMS space 00000034 00 67 00 0E SMS icon 00000038 00 42 00 00 Clock position space}Medium position 0000003C 00 67 00 0E Clock position }Medium position 00000040 00 87 00 00 Ring space 00000044 00 99 00 0E Ring Style 00000048 00 9A 00 00 Battery space 0000004C 00 AF 00 0E Battery icon 00000050 00 00 00 00 ??? Blank 00000054 00 00 00 00 4 bytes of color (RGB),clock color(not outline) 00000058 00 00 00 00 Clock color outline 0000005C 00 00 00 E7 Font PM & AM Icons and time without good still pointing. (http://i32.tinypic.com/2nasd1y.jpg) Correct (http://i30.tinypic.com/rwjgj4.jpg) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 04, 2010, 04:48:53 am Hi Jzzz,I have a little question,.
when I instal new skin,some drm icon(vid rec,itunes,chat,etc) looks unmatches with the skin I've installed, although I've copied the drm and region table. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 04, 2010, 08:47:57 am Thanks 4 the tips, Mirror Masta..++ to U..
now all probs are solved.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 04, 2010, 01:59:02 pm Do you need a mirror??
Thank you for the karma ;) I already made one. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 04, 2010, 05:10:41 pm You need to take the icon from the skin using skinner4moto every you want to install a new skin.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 04, 2010, 06:23:44 pm When I was using another mp,it's allow me to instal a skin without copy that drm icons. Everything just fine..
maybe I should do some patches or seem editing for that? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 05, 2010, 01:11:49 am Do you need a mirror?? Thank you for the karma ;) I already made one. It's not that, ZduneX25.. I just loved to call U "The Mirror Masta"..Hehehe.. ;) :) Btw, Jzzz, where is that StartMenu Background pic was located??? Can the white StartMenu Background pic replace with another background pic??? If someone got cool pics 4 the startmenu background, please share with me.. ;) 8) :) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 05, 2010, 01:36:30 am Oh thank you nice to hear that ;)
c/mobile/skins/your_skin/DeskTopFile/SM_BG_PIC.gif Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 05, 2010, 02:00:55 am Oh thank you nice to hear that ;) c/mobile/skins/your_skin/DeskTopFile/SM_BG_PIC.gif I've searched in that folder before but can't find it.. Because in other MP I've used before, there was the SM_BG used to be putted in,, But in MotoMix, Jzzz must put it somewhere else.. :-\ ??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 05, 2010, 02:04:53 am I guess BG is off in config file, make a screen with ur SM, please??
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 05, 2010, 08:23:02 am Is that mean that SM_BG_PIC.GIF use a config too???
I've already found a pic for it, but the background still the same.. I don't how to make a config for it, could U tell me??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 05, 2010, 11:58:51 am SM.skn file:
Bg_Picture_YPosition= if =0 BG is off if =1>...>x BG is on Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 05, 2010, 10:22:58 pm I've open the StartMenu.skn and there is no bg position..only found the high n wide that had been set with 21 n 100..
While the bg colour n outline set to 0xFFFFF Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 05, 2010, 10:44:18 pm Btw, I really loved those skins that U have made in U'r page on E398mod, ZduneX..
DarkEvo, divineClear n Dark, MegaOne, District9 ProfesionalRed, WhiteOne, WalkExp etc.. Waiting for U newest masterpiece..;) and to Jzzz, are Nokia was U'r favorite skin? I've found this skin in all U'r Mix MP series.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: pralaut on February 06, 2010, 08:15:10 am BEST MONSTER PACK WHICH ALL I TRY :D
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 07, 2010, 02:57:18 am @rxrobo
you need to edit mma_ucp to change the d default icon. @schrick yeah,coz it looks simple. @ pralaut nice to hear that. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 09, 2010, 09:53:14 pm Edit mma_ucp like this?
https://motohell.com/index.php?topic=1201.0 Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 09, 2010, 10:08:12 pm This mp based on 4xR FW right?
OOT: how do we know the real name of FW which have been rename? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 09, 2010, 10:30:13 pm @rxrobo; this MP is based on DAR FW..U'll get U'r phone 'blank' if U used patches from 4xR..so be carefull..
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 09, 2010, 11:02:42 pm Btw, here is the gif number from this MP to change the skin menu icons.
Just simply open the skin U wanted to use with skinner4moto, then minimize the skinner4moto, U'll see gifs folder, copy some icon from gifs folder to a new folder n choose which U wanna use..U'll need 12 icons..then change the number n putt it in U'r skin drm folder. corelet: -static: 1998 -animated: 1996 videocam: -static: 432 -animated: 431 MotoCmd: -static: 1544 -animated: 1584 elf: -static: 1421 -animated: 1419 Usb: -static: 1597 -animated: 1580 Airplane mode: -static: 2018 -animated: 2017 Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 03:05:06 am you can remove your double post. Yes Jzzz, but it's pretty hard if you using opmin mod on u'r phone... Btw, a question from me, where the start menu background pic was putted??? I've search for it but can't find it... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 10, 2010, 03:06:52 am Show me ur SM.skn file I have to check something ;)
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 03:19:00 am Show me ur SM.skn file I have to check something ;) here it is; Item_width=100 Item_height=21 BackgroundColor=0xFFFFFFFF TextColor=0x00000000 Line1Color=0xFFFFFF00 Line2Color=0xFFFFFF00 Line3Color=0xFFFFFF00 Line4Color=0xFFFFFF00 CursorColor=0x00000000 Items_num=7 Font=8 Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 10, 2010, 03:22:43 am So ur SM doesn't support BG picture.
Try with mine: http://cid-1f3becbc4444c6df.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/E398/Elf%7C4s/StartMenu-MOD.zip Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 03:37:52 am Downloaded,,
After that, what should I do next??? ??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 10, 2010, 03:39:04 am Extract I guess :P
I Mean replace your files with this :) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 03:46:56 am Extract I guess :P I Mean replace your files with this :) Hehehe...that funny Z... ;D After extracting, I just have to replace my old startmenu with the new one by erasing the old startmenu??? or there's another thing else that I need to do??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 10, 2010, 03:50:18 am Just replace files and copy BG to skin (DeskTopFile).
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 10, 2010, 04:10:43 am Btw, here is the gif number from this MP to change the skin menu icons. Thx 4 your answer,,Just simply open the skin U wanted to use with skinner4moto, then minimize the skinner4moto, U'll see gifs folder, copy some icon from gifs folder to a new folder n choose which U wanna use..U'll need 12 icons..then change the number n putt it in U'r skin drm folder. corelet: -static: 1998 -animated: 1996 videocam: -static: 432 -animated: 431 MotoCmd: -static: 1544 -animated: 1584 elf: -static: 1421 -animated: 1419 Usb: -static: 1597 -animated: 1580 Airplane mode: -static: 2018 -animated: 2017 but,what I want is to instal new skin without doing that... I've patch it with 4xR and give me blank,so I reflash it again... he.he... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 04:13:38 am Just replace files and copy BG to skin (DeskTopFile). not working,, even after I change the register on startmenu.ini to motomix default register, it still not working... :'( :-X Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 10, 2010, 04:17:44 am New SM is in auto.run??
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 04:23:56 am New SM is in auto.run?? Yap... Done that too... Still not working... :'( Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 04:29:33 am @rxrobo: I've told U before,,,
U'll get blank if using patches from 4xR... There's some patches for this FW on the previous page, Just jump back to it... ;) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 10, 2010, 04:36:44 am So strange many users are using this pack, check all files one more time.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 05:01:57 am So strange many users are using this pack, check all files one more time. It's working now,ZduneX... but the menu was on a strange language, I'm sure it's not english... :-\ ??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 10, 2010, 09:59:33 am How about I'm still using the motomix default startmenu.elf but I add new line for the SM_BG_PIC.GIF's position in startmenu.skn??
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 10, 2010, 11:04:45 am No you can't do that.
Oh that's my Polish file I can translate it for you :P Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 10, 2010, 03:23:32 pm @rxrobo: I've told U before,,, U'll get blank if using patches from 4xR... There's some patches for this FW on the previous page, Just jump back to it... ;) ok... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 10, 2010, 04:26:54 pm @Schrickz
you need to set start menu.ini to 03d1. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 11, 2010, 04:44:05 am @Zdune: I've use your SM mod,it works. But when I change the SM.menu my phone freeze,. So I need to restart my phone.
could u help me? jzzz: I'm curious about the 3mb and jsr 82, is it came from the FW or u patch it by ur self? I want to applied that on 49R,.. I think that's the best things on this MP,. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 11, 2010, 04:45:45 am SM mod supports new structure in *.menu file you must edit my file.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 11, 2010, 06:33:22 pm @rxrobo
No patch for that features, it was on firmware. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 11, 2010, 09:11:46 pm Zdune: ok,I'll try...
jzzz:owh like that huh? thx 4 u guys, +each Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 11, 2010, 10:39:33 pm @Jzzz; yap..thanks, the startmenu are working now..
@ZduneX; Polish, do U have another one in English?? btw, how to edit the startmenu mod *.menu structure??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 11, 2010, 11:14:24 pm @rxrobo
thx for ++ @schrickz you can edit using minicommander but more better using motocmd. just info,now EP2_motocmd v1.1 can work as submenu. i have tried run as motomixer. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 12, 2010, 12:55:53 am I've tried to move all the Elves on MotoMix to DAR test.11,,
Using the same structure for Elves in a/ n c/ but it doesn't work,, Somebody know why??? :-\ ??? :-[ :'( Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 12, 2010, 02:27:24 am EN for you:
Code: #/Start/ Java Games=0;0x3d6;java.gif Elfs=1;0;elfs.gif MotoCmd=0;0x2dc;motocmd.gif Programs=1;0;app.gif Run...=0;!run.elf;run.gif Reboot...=0;!reboot.elf;reboot.gif Turn off...=0;0x11;shutdown.gif #/End/ #/Start/Elfs/ Screener=0;/b/Elf/Screener.elf;camera.gif Backuper=0;/b/Elf/Backuper.elf;bckup.gif Hex Editor=0;/b/Elf/MotoCMD/HexEditor.elf;hexedit.gif Mid Transfer=0;/b/Elf/MidTransfer.elf;javat.gif Flex Tools=0;/b/Elf/Flex.elf;flex.gif CallPostStyle=0;/b/Elf/Callpoststyle.elf;chvol.gif #/End/ #/Start/Programs/ Old Games=1;0;apps.gif Fresh Games=1;0;apps.gif Entertainment=1;0;apps.gif Calculator=0;0x3a7;calc.gif Date Book=0;0x39c;datebook.gif #/End/ #/Start/Programs/Old Games/ Qiche=0;/b/Elf/Games/Qiche_v0.4.elf;elfs.gif Saper=0;/b/Elf/Games/Saper.elf;elfs.gif Snake=0;/b/Elf/Games/Snake.elf;elfs.gif Lines=0;/b/Elf/Games/LinesGame_old.elf;elfs.gif Server=0;/b/Elf/Games/Server.elf;elfs.gif Smiles=0;/b/Elf/Games/Smiles.elf;elfs.gif Sokoban=0;/b/Elf/Games/Sokoban.elf;elfs.gif #/End/ #/Start/Programs/Fresh Games/ Kkub=0;/b/Elf/Games/Kkub.elf;elfs.gif Pong=0;/b/Elf/Games/Pong.elf;elfs.gif Qwart=0;/b/Elf/Games/Qwart.elf;elfs.gif Arrows=0;/b/Elf/Games/Arrows.elf;elfs.gif Towers=0;/b/Elf/Games/Towers.elf;elfs.gif HitMouse=0;/b/Elf/Games/HitMouse.elf;elfs.gif Arcanoid=0;/b/Elf/Games/Arcanoid.elf;elfs.gif #/End/ #/Start/Programs/Entertainment/ Camera=0;0x3fb;camera.gif Video Camera=0;0x3fd;video.gif Dictaphone=0;/b/Elf/Dictaphone.elf;dictaphone.gif #/End/ Enjoy it ;) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 12, 2010, 02:38:44 am Thanks 4 the codes, Mr.Polish,,, ;)
++ for U... :-* hehehe... :) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on February 12, 2010, 03:10:40 am heeheh ;)
you're welcome mate :) thanks for the karma :D Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: cliquerzzt on February 12, 2010, 07:15:23 am I use Moto Rokr E1 Walkman NaN0 v.2905 49R How it can be MotoMix for 07.DO & OA.02?
Explain how to flash? cliquerzzt@gmail.com Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 12, 2010, 04:18:40 pm you can see the step in e398mod.com
just click motomix in my signature. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 12, 2010, 09:14:23 pm Remember to back up b4 flashing.,
safe moding:ON << ROKR E1 BL 0A.02 Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 14, 2010, 06:02:28 am Jzzz,could u make me Multifont LP(with iTap) for this MP? And patches for this FW?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 14, 2010, 09:26:26 am I have attached the LP using itap n plus a symbols.
you can find at the previous page. about patch you can ask to mr.zL coz i'm out of modding right now. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 14, 2010, 08:09:01 pm @Jzzz: do U remember the string ID for "start" ???
I'm using LP from Font Guru with arabic one, n the "start" changad to "chat",,, Try to fix it but don't know which one is the right string to edit, I've found many "chat" string... ??? :-\ Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 16, 2010, 09:23:45 pm i've forgot about it.
but you can edit mma_ucp using mma advanced editor. it more simpler n without flashing. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 17, 2010, 07:11:33 am Thanks Jzzz...
I've tried the MMA Advance Editor, but I'm confuse n dunno how to used it... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 17, 2010, 07:45:19 am @Jzzz: Could U tell me how to replaced boot screen pic on DAR FW???
I've tried it using boot screen pic replacer, but don't find the FW... :-\ ??? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 17, 2010, 08:00:26 am And 1 more question, where is the sys sound???
I only found mono sound for the system sound on this MP... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: cliquerzzt on February 17, 2010, 11:46:37 pm please explain how to flash motomix, for my RokrE1
now I use Nano3Engine ... with BL OA.02 .... I really do not know ... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 17, 2010, 11:54:01 pm To change your bootscreen,you must to add a new offset for moto bootscreen replacer.
open offset.ini using notepad n at the last write this, [E398 R373...DAR] Hellomoto=86F32F backup_shift=80000 Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 17, 2010, 11:58:21 pm For edit the mma_ucp,
you need to ad the lang id with a new name for the submenu that you'll rename. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 18, 2010, 03:33:31 am Thanks Jzzz,,,
++ for U, bro... ;) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 18, 2010, 04:31:44 am @cliq: u can use Flasbackup 3.xx to flash.
don't forget to change RAMLDR first b4 flashing. u can pm me if got trouble.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 18, 2010, 06:09:34 pm Thx schrickz.
@Clickq the point is to change the ramdld to be 131.064 to make it work in rokr. you need flashbackup 3 from tab firmware to do it. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 19, 2010, 01:13:27 am @Jzzz: Big thanks bro...
All prob's are solved now,.. ;) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 19, 2010, 02:08:09 am your welcome m8 :)
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 19, 2010, 04:50:19 am Arghhh...
I'm forgetin' something,,, @Jzzz: Could U tell me how is the step in adding new language to this MP??? I'd wanted to have bahasa Ambon in my phone too,,, I can't speak sunda or javanesse... Hehehe... ;D :D ;) Btw, sorry if this off topic... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 19, 2010, 07:44:45 am As i remember if you want to add new language,you need the .mff file.
and i never heard about ambon language. btw,you are ambonesse? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: cliquerzzt on February 19, 2010, 11:53:02 pm yups. terima kasih
untuk bantuannya saya akan mencobanya rxrobo jzzz Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 20, 2010, 12:43:22 am I've already tried inserting the mff files, but always got noticed on th source address "not reculc"...
Yap, I'm Ambonesse (beta orang Ambon) ...hehehe... ;D The Ambon language are similar to Indonesian, just got a'lil different.. ;) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 20, 2010, 07:02:19 am Maybe you can try to replace sunda or jawa to ambon lang.
oh brrti org indo jg toh. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 21, 2010, 11:01:43 pm Can't do that Jzzz,,,
I'm using LP from Zhang for the DAR test with Russian and Arabic. "not culc", that's what I've got after inserting new language... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 22, 2010, 06:54:07 am you need to ask mr.zhang,
he expert about edtting a langpack. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 25, 2010, 01:40:09 am you need to ask mr.zhang, he expert about edtting a langpack. Dunno where n how to contact him... :-\ Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 25, 2010, 08:56:27 am He exist in motousers bro.
you can ask from PM. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on February 26, 2010, 02:28:14 am He exist in motousers bro. you can ask from PM. Thanks Jzzz... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: cliquerzzt on February 27, 2010, 05:34:28 am I managed to turn into Moto Mix ...
now, I want to ask .... how do create a shortcut any where? flash Patchnya time I did not want to include .... Please help Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 27, 2010, 06:02:45 am Press & hold menu on the submenu that you choose to create.
sorry i dont understand your 2nd question. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: cliquerzzt on February 27, 2010, 06:14:38 am It's normal for a shortcut to a shortcut any where?
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on February 28, 2010, 02:31:29 am Can anyone help me on editing this mma,so I don't need to copy drm of vidsCam,iTunes,usb set etc.. When I instal new skin..
please., Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 28, 2010, 10:22:33 pm Try THIS (http://wapshare.us/39240) one.
Download and rename it be mma_ucp Do not extract it. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on March 01, 2010, 02:40:24 am I've download it,
change the name and replace the old mma with this one using file changer. but,there's only 10 icon on main menu, so,I try to edit it by mmaMobileEditor.. it shows 12 icons,but only 10 on my phone,why? then I save it. But nothing change,my phone still has 10 icon,even when I restart it. Title: Re: MP Mixed By jzzz (java games removed) Post by: gedeee on March 08, 2010, 03:54:53 am MP download link temporarily removed until senior modder test it... Please anybody from the mods with E398 PM me and let me know if the MP is safe or not... save,already testedTitle: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on March 09, 2010, 06:47:38 pm @rxrobo
try to put the mma_ucp ussing mma advanced editor from computer. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on March 09, 2010, 11:52:44 pm That's the problem...
I don't have PC,, hHe.. maybe I'll try on "warnet" thx 4 uR help anyway. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on March 16, 2010, 05:42:32 am You're welcome m8.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rafa_e398 on March 17, 2010, 07:49:45 pm I've flashed my e398 with dis gr8 MP, thx Jzzz..
btw, can U attach patch 4 unlimited video recording? I really need it.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on March 18, 2010, 12:04:09 am AFAIK unlimited video rec is only available on 6FR or above.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on March 18, 2010, 08:03:31 am it can be true,but it's need a hard work to set a seem.
bcoz DAR fw had made the unlimited video work on 79r,44r etc but sorry for my motomix, i use DAR fw without unlimited video record,since that fw still not stable. i can't help you much, coz i'm out of modding. i've changed my mobile. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on March 18, 2010, 09:24:03 am What is new one bro??
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on March 18, 2010, 09:42:35 am I'm using a chinese phone,Ti-phone t67 m8 :)
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: goblok on March 20, 2010, 11:06:50 am wew ti phone ;D
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on March 21, 2010, 02:11:18 am Oh no...
1 masta now out of modding,,, Mixed MP series ended... :'( Jzzz: could you share to me the elfporting tutor for DAR FW ??? I wanted to have all Motomix elves on DAR test12... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on March 30, 2010, 05:30:58 am Sorry i don't have it,
since i'm out of modding right now. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on April 01, 2010, 03:10:19 am :-\ Owh,,,
sorry J,... I just wanted to know how to add startmenu.elf and actdesk.elf to DAR test MP,,, Both of this elves doesn't exist in the pack... :'( Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on April 01, 2010, 03:17:39 am Hmm fo me ActDesk works fine version 2.7 by @LinZi
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on April 06, 2010, 04:11:33 am startmenu and actdesk are work fine in this MP,
i have tried it when i still in modding. or you can use new modified MP based on MotoMix, try to find Motomodiff. new elf added, but less plugin for motocmd. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on April 06, 2010, 04:28:43 am @Jzzz: MotoMix Elves are the most complete features than others pack...
Especially it MotoCmd...that why I'm still using this pack till now... I've already tried MotoModiff by dera, the edited mma ucp are cool... Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: triplesix on May 09, 2010, 08:16:22 pm Can I flash this MP for my ROKR E1 with BL 07.DO and can you give me the link to download caused if I download from e398mod.com they give me the broken link... thanks, maklum i'm just newbie here..
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: rxrobo on May 09, 2010, 11:46:47 pm Yes u can.
click on masta jzzz signature then u'll get the file.. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: yalmove on August 24, 2010, 02:22:06 am GREETING EVERYBODY @Master Jzzz or @Anyone Please help me :) 4 several months, until now (eventually yesterday), i use ur MP (Motomix). yesterday, i ran the MASTER RESET, thus my mobile just stuck on bootloader mode, it cant booting. :'(. I attempt 2 reflash it using P2kTools (ive installed the driver before), it CONNECTED, and ready to flash. But i cant flash it. The command for flashing not work. My Questions : 1 : Why MASTER RESET make the system error? 2 : Why Flashing command not work? (though mobile in flashing mode) 3 : How to solve this problem? could u suggest solutions? Thanks 4 ur attention, 4 ur MP, and 4 ur Help... :) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: silentsnow31802 on September 17, 2010, 01:22:40 am Just flashed this MP and now have no service.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on October 17, 2010, 07:07:08 pm Yup sorry for this MP,master reset cant be done.
So never try to do it. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Riev_4 on October 19, 2010, 08:33:42 pm Hi Masta,
This Mp is so cool. But when i put Elf on Tf, eTunes can't run. can some one help me ? --- >:( hai all..someone can inform me.how to solve it..i've flashed again to repair it.but went i edit elf in auto.run. Corelat doesnt run again..what shuold i do ? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on October 28, 2010, 01:16:35 am So what is wrong eTunes or Corelet??
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Riev_4 on October 29, 2010, 12:30:48 am I glad you read my post.
I see this corelat contain of lrc player right? When i edit auto run to add/reduce some elves. This corelat don't want Run? Could you tell us what should i do? Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on October 29, 2010, 01:01:26 am Are you sure?? As far as I know this MP is based on DAR and on DAR Corelet works as Corelet.
Show your auto.run before and after Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Schrick'Z on November 16, 2010, 03:47:12 am @riev_4 : it isn't a corelet but LRCPlayer.elf .. So it is an elf and you gotta put it in autorun to made it work ..
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: skip on December 12, 2010, 06:23:17 am give me that sound "ring" or smth like that :)
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Dedie on January 01, 2011, 10:24:38 am @jzzz, can you teach me how to compile CG2 from this mp with other CG from dar16 ? I has try it ones, but my phone stuck on boot screen then restart n so on...
Thx 4 your attention masta :) Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on January 02, 2011, 09:35:39 am You can not other platforms, sorry.
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Dedie on January 02, 2011, 11:57:00 pm motomix was based on dar10 fw44r n dar16 on fw 44r too. well, it was possible to use CG2 from motomix to dar16. but, i can find the right way to use it. i has try ones, but my phone stuck on boot screen then restart....
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on January 03, 2011, 05:49:16 am Nah test 16 has own platform called DAR.
Quote r373_g_0e.30.dar Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: chinitopex on January 03, 2011, 09:46:39 am @ oniech
bro you can show me the files E398 R373_0'NIECH_49R" + Msd 2Gb + Ep1 & Ep2 i need to my moto E398 please Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on January 03, 2011, 09:52:25 am Here ya go: http://www.ziddu.com/download/5569179/UnlimitedMoto49R.rar.html
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: Dedie on January 16, 2011, 10:42:45 pm @Z25, link not valid, do u have another link ? Thanks
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ZduneX25 on January 17, 2011, 05:01:32 am Link replaced, works well now ;)
Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: jzzz on February 08, 2011, 11:52:56 am @riev_4
sorry for my mistakes, in auto.run you need to edit the position there is the elf apps that was written in one row just enter it to seperate the elf. Title: Re: MotoMix (NEW) Post by: ary_cute on April 19, 2011, 12:37:04 am Nice! keep on modding bro :-)