Moto Hell - The Motorola Modding Community

Motorola Phone Models => Motorola A780/A1200/E2/E6/E680/V8/Z6 => Topic started by: keaglez on August 08, 2007, 01:26:49 pm

Title: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: keaglez on August 08, 2007, 01:26:49 pm
Finally i found the way to edit system files on air, Even you
are not near with your PC.. We need Opera Mini 2.04 to do
this. Hey, sorry, i post this using my E2..

I don't know if OM 2.04 modded is warez or not, so i won't
 post the link.. I only write the guide! Why OM 2.04?
Because it has files manager and include text editor!
Install this in your phone first and set the domain to
operator or manufacture. But you still can't open the file
manager.. Then highlight the OM, option, manage and
move to card.. Now file manager work fine!

How to edit the system files:
1. Enable linksys first.
2. Open the Opera Mini 2.04 (it shown 2.00 in ur fone)
3. In OM, select go to - file manager.
4. Browse the directory, for example to edit ezx_
bluetooth.cfg, go to phone/system/ezx_user/download/
5. Highlight the ezx_bluetooth.cfg, select operation then
6. Browse to your SD card and paste it anywhere. Dont
forget to copy twice, one for backup and one for edit, in
different folder.
7. Now, highlight the ezx_bluetooth.cfg, select open and
txt/iso or the other. (sorry i dont know the differences).
8. Now select edit! Now you can edit every lines you want!
But it'll really slow when you open a large cfg. For this, you
 can use find/replace! Write the line you want to edit and
write the replace.. Use case sensitive!
9. Have done it? Now save it!
10. Copy the edited files back to the folder.
11. You done! Reboot your fone!

Here the screenshot.. Sorry again, i post this using E2 and it
 really embarassing..

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: khalid on August 08, 2007, 02:02:13 pm
I don't know if OM 2.04 modded is warez or not

not warez! it's free

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: Taurnil on August 08, 2007, 02:12:11 pm
Thanks for your guide. This is great ^^

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: keaglez on August 08, 2007, 02:39:03 pm
I don't know if OM 2.04 modded is warez or not

not warez! it's free

Okay then.. Thanks..

@Taurnil, you're welcome..

Notes: You must copy the system files first to SD in order to make backup. And you can't save the system files @phone. You must copy to SD, edit and save @SD, then copy back to phone.

I love this.. I don't need PC anymore for a tiny mod..

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: zjole on August 08, 2007, 08:52:09 pm
Nice guide ;)Thx!

I didnt know there was a excellent mod of Opera Mini.Gonna give it a try.

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: motomaniacs on August 08, 2007, 10:15:10 pm
nice tutor bro

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: keaglez on August 08, 2007, 11:07:17 pm
Thanks, Zlole and Motomaniacs.

How to use Find/Replace:
1. Search line you want to edit. Copy it in ur head. ;)
2. Menu - Find/Replace
3. Write the line you want to edit, case sensitive! Write every caption.
4. Mark the 'replace to'
5. Write the edited line. Write every caption.
6. Mark the 'case sensitive'
7. Mark the 'from begining'
8. You done!
Easy and fast.. I love this opera mini.. :D

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: Exploited on August 09, 2007, 01:20:23 am
ultimate good stuff :) Much useful!

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: pizzadox619 on August 09, 2007, 01:40:39 am
good job, keaglez.

I will try it  :)

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: keaglez on August 09, 2007, 01:44:44 am
ultimate good stuff :) Much useful!
Yes, and browsing use this opera mini is faster than E2 default opera.. And we also can upload and download.. Very nice..! Thank you very much to the maker of this opera mini..! Credit goes to you!

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: zjole on August 09, 2007, 03:55:28 am
Hey,keaglez.I donwloaded the mod and installed it.but it's in Russian.Could you show me where is the setting to change the language to English? ;D
Thanks in advance. :)

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: keaglez on August 09, 2007, 04:35:41 am
Download from this:
If ur pc cant download, use ur phone browser..

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: zjole on August 09, 2007, 06:27:44 am
Download from this:
If ur pc cant download, use ur phone browser..
Cant open that link.Luckily I've found a English version throuth googling. ;D
Thanks all the same.

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: Atomik88 on August 09, 2007, 10:43:10 am
For me don't works the link to english version.

Anyone could post a link to English Version 2.04?
Or upload it?

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: Exploited on August 09, 2007, 12:13:40 pm
here you go

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: Atomik88 on August 09, 2007, 01:14:23 pm
Thanks a lot!

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: keaglez on August 09, 2007, 02:16:56 pm
here you go
Thanks @Exploited. :D

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: vanhieumai on August 09, 2007, 08:35:58 pm
thanks keaglez
it's very nice  :D

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: abokamel on August 10, 2007, 02:33:21 pm
I believe that it also has a great MP3 player and picture viewer, I couldn't use the above attached version cause it's not working even the other is russian version.
Here's a link for working English version,

Title: Re: [E2] Guide to edit system file using Opera Mini 2.04 modded
Post by: keaglez on August 11, 2007, 12:29:25 am
Da mp3 player from this OM wasn't recommended.. Open da mp3 files and very-very lagging.. It's better to run mp3 in background..