Title: Need help for E8 repairing Post by: Subin on December 03, 2009, 06:04:23 am Hi I need help for my E8 repairing. It has R6713_G_71.14.1CR_A fw and 06A9 BL. Now the problem is mistakenly I have flashed E8_06A3_KILL_RSA_unsigned instead of E8_06A9_KILL_RSA_unsigned and my phone is not powering on. I tried to bring my phone into Bootloader mode. But no luck. So I need expert’s help.
Title: Re: Need help for E8 repairing Post by: tuyie78 on December 26, 2009, 11:46:18 am try test point
Title: Re: Need help for E8 repairing Post by: Subin on December 26, 2009, 09:41:04 pm try test point How can I do that? Is there any testpoint picture\process for E8? Title: Re: Need help for E8 repairing Post by: abrawiyudha on January 02, 2010, 08:15:21 am there who can help, I also experienced such a disaster
Title: Re: Need help for E8 repairing Post by: Subin on January 03, 2010, 01:25:06 am there who can help, I also experienced such a disaster As per GSMServer team, TestPoint for this models is not currently available. So I have purchased another E8. "GSM_Support12-09-2009, 10:05 @ hohoangkhoi, If the set can not be detected by the PC at all, nothing can be done with it. TP for this phone model is not currently available. Try to detect the set in boot mode (press *# and insert phone's battery), as mcandre suggested. Best Regards GSMServer team (www.GsmServer.com) http://www.gsmserver.com/img/sc_userbar_1.png (http://forum.gsmserver.com/forumdisplay.php?f=42)" Title: Re: Need help for E8 repairing Post by: Exploited on January 04, 2010, 08:29:24 am note... testpoint is still not known...