Title: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on July 18, 2007, 07:17:48 am Here is a method by which you can have different fonts on your e398/ROKR phones. Originally posted by gayoe from M3.. Thanks bro..
It contains font: Tahoma, Ideal, Kristen, Elegante, Symbol in English Before you flash this LP, you have to patch CG1 with the patch on the attachment. it contain patch for 42R, 46R, 49R. also you have to patch the DRM. you can use your own DRM, but with this DRM patch. you can patch it like the way you patch CG1 with FB3. if not, then the multifont will not working. the simple thing to patch CG1 (firmware) n CG15 (DRM) together is: 1. create SHX backup of your phone with only CG1 n CG15 2. patch the SHX with FB3.0.2 or above with those patch (patch CG1 n DRM) 3. flash the SHX patched to your phone 4. then flash the LP if you want to make different font or different string language, you can edit CG4.smg from this LP with Moto Lang Editor. You can download the langpack with 5 fonts from HERE (http://esnips.com/doc/1a43e4a8-c337-413c-a108-26c36e76fb24/LP-multifontkoe) big thanks for the russians, montox, zigot, and everyone HERE (https://motohell.com/index.php?topic=715.0) is an excellent guide by LFM on multifonts.. Thanks a lot man.. Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on July 18, 2007, 07:21:32 am great tutor...... thx for sharing
OOT wondering why Gayoe didn't join here.... Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on July 18, 2007, 07:30:48 am Ya,he is one of the hardworking e398 modder at present. Would be great if he join MotoHell or else,I'll have to copy/paste myself a lot :P
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: gayoe on July 20, 2007, 09:51:52 am hello :D
i'm new here and it's my first post :D i just want to add, beside patching CG1 and DRM, you have to use spesific LP to use multifont. if you use original LP, then you will have just 4 font. if you use spesific LP like mine (based LP 002E) then you can use 5 fonts. and for multifont LP here at my esnips (http://esnips.com/doc/1a43e4a8-c337-413c-a108-26c36e76fb24/LP-multifontkoe). Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: kimz on July 20, 2007, 06:30:41 pm I've tried 2 patch, but my phone cant load.....
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on July 20, 2007, 07:28:40 pm ahhh there you are gayoe...
thx for the information Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on July 20, 2007, 07:48:20 pm Welcome to Moto hell ,gayoe.. Thank you for all your efforts ;)
Multifont LP added to the first post.. Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: gayoe on July 21, 2007, 09:10:29 am I've tried 2 patch, but my phone cant load..... i'm sorry...what was your phone? and how you patch it? if your phone is e398, you can use online patch with FB 2.62. but if your phone is e1rokr, you have to use FB 3.02 or above to patch it offline. Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: kimz on July 23, 2007, 12:35:38 am I've tried 2 patch, but my phone cant load..... i'm sorry...what was your phone? and how you patch it? if your phone is e398, you can use online patch with FB 2.62. but if your phone is e1rokr, you have to use FB 3.02 or above to patch it offline. My phone was e398, i patch it with fb3.0.5... how does the way to patch it online?? Thanks man.... Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on July 23, 2007, 07:00:44 pm i try to describe bout offline patch and online patch
Correct me if i'm wrong the online patch is you patch the phone connected to the PC and in bootloader mode.. the offline patch is you patch it to CG1 compile it back with shxcodec than flash it to phone Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on July 23, 2007, 07:23:17 pm As far as I know, thats right Motomaniacs ;)
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on July 23, 2007, 07:25:28 pm phew... glad im doing it right ;)
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: kimz on July 23, 2007, 09:19:18 pm oo... i see i see, thanks.....
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Exploited on July 24, 2007, 02:09:57 am radically different way from what I was trying to do before :) I am very happy that you did that guys!
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: LFM on July 24, 2007, 12:33:01 pm Hi there people!
I'm LFM from Argentina... I've made an algoritm that port the multifont patch for any MOTOROLA phone, no matter the firmware version... I've applied the method in 2 v360 ACR and it works! Here I have screenshots from my v360... (http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/3432/screen4ok1.png)(http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/9217/screen1nn7.png)(http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/9821/screen2pr3.png)(http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/773/screen3sr0.png) But have the same problems... only 4 fonts works! the French language mod (- Ideal), that uses font "06" from the CG4 doesn't work :-[ Shows the same the other fonts (English, Spanish...) show... This is a preview of the method... soon will be available: (http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/5932/imagen2kn1.th.jpg) (http://img487.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imagen2kn1.jpg) Thanks for the original who discovered the multifont!! bye! :D Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on July 24, 2007, 05:29:00 pm Hi LFM,welcome to Motohell!
Nice to see you here,bro.. Waiting for the complete tutorial from you ;) Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: LFM on July 25, 2007, 07:38:59 pm Thanks!! :D
I've totally ported the method, the 5 fonts now work (thanks for my frien Bullfrog), and I've also ported Spanish matrix to use with the unused languages! The complete tutorial will be available soon! ;) Bye people! Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on July 25, 2007, 07:57:48 pm Thanks!! :D I've totally ported the method, the 5 fonts now work (thanks for my frien Bullfrog), and I've also ported Spanish matrix to use with the unused languages! The complete tutorial will be available soon! ;) Bye people! great LFM waiting for the tutorial Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: kimz on July 25, 2007, 08:09:59 pm I've tried to patch it again n again, but its not working....
please help..... btw I'm using MP Moto iPhone 46R Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on July 25, 2007, 08:14:28 pm did you use 46R Patch???
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: LFM on July 25, 2007, 08:19:21 pm If you give me and original 46r firmware I'll apply my method and will give you the correct patch to use...
I need also an original 46r DRM... to apply the method in the CG15.. cya! Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on July 25, 2007, 08:24:57 pm there's one 46R original MP in monsterpack area
Cheers Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: kimz on July 25, 2007, 09:01:36 pm did you use 46R Patch??? Yup I've Used that.... I trying it again right now... Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on July 25, 2007, 09:22:06 pm good luck bro
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: kimz on July 25, 2007, 10:52:28 pm good luck bro Thank You Bro.... But it makes me frustated, still CAN'T!! Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: LFM on July 26, 2007, 05:59:23 am Hi kimz!
I used my method and here is the new 46r patch... DOWNLOAD Also include the CG15 patch.. you must now flash with the rokr/e398 CG4 multifonts.... and nothing else matter :D There was a problem with the original 46r patch! my method really works!!! :o EDIT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Sorry the DRM original patch also had errors, I've corrected them, and here is the final version, now you can download this... DOWNLOAD (http://rapidshare.com/files/45158476/multifont_46r.rar.html) Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: veronica1009 on July 26, 2007, 01:28:28 pm Hi, guys!
Sorry for the offtopic (I should post in L7 section), but I couldn't find this subject there... I have an L7 with DCR f/w on it, and I found somewhere this multifont patch for it. I patched CG1 and DRM, but I'm stuck now, as I don't know what to do with the langpack to have the multiple fonts... Anyone could help me? Thanks! Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: gayoe on July 26, 2007, 01:51:30 pm i think for the langpack you have to use a specific kind of LP.
my friend @motolovers.web.id has succesfully porting the patch for CG1, DRM, and also LP to get working multifont on L7. i'll ask for him to upload it. Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: LFM on July 26, 2007, 02:30:43 pm i think for the langpack you have to use a specific kind of LP. my friend @motolovers.web.id has succesfully porting the patch for CG1, DRM, and also LP to get working multifont on L7. i'll ask for him to upload it. No gayoe, it's not necessary... I've ported it using an 0003 LP, not even the languages must be the original... you can use any language backup and change de offset 000002 to the language ID you need (Spanish 0A, British 03, etc...) and it's gonna work! I've done it... it's better this way because some language matrix don't accept necessary letters (á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ü, etc.. Spanish example). The languages IDs still being the same... Vietnamese, French, German and Bahasa... all other languages will show normal font... Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: kimz on July 26, 2007, 10:36:34 pm Hi kimz! I used my method and here is the new 46r patch... DOWNLOAD Also include the CG15 patch.. you must now flash with the rokr/e398 CG4 multifonts.... and nothing else matter :D There was a problem with the original 46r patch! my method really works!!! :o EDIT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Sorry the DRM original patch also had errors, I've corrected them, and here is the final version, now you can download this... DOWNLOAD (http://rapidshare.com/files/45158476/multifont_46r.rar.html) Hi 2 LFM... Thank u bro, I'll download it as soon as possible...... N i must try it 2 my phone..... Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: veronica1009 on July 26, 2007, 11:45:31 pm No gayoe, it's not necessary... I've ported it using an 0003 LP, not even the languages must be the original... you can use any language backup and change de offset 000002 to the language ID you need (Spanish 0A, British 03, etc...) and it's gonna work! I've done it... it's better this way because some language matrix don't accept necessary letters (á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ü, etc.. Spanish example). The languages IDs still being the same... Vietnamese, French, German and Bahasa... all other languages will show normal font... Ok, can you give me a little info about how to do this? A few steps? I don't know what to do exactly... I tried playing a little with MotoLangEditor, but unsuccesfull. And when you're saying "offset 000002" do you mean hex editing the lp smg? I was forgeting something.... At the end (if I'll get it right) I'll obtain multifont just for one language? Silly me, I don't even know what i'm supposed to obtain :-[ Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: veronica1009 on July 27, 2007, 02:25:42 pm Just figured out...hurrray! :) But I have now another problem with the new fonts...regarding some of those characters lfm mentioned; they don't appear on my phone. Instead there are some weird "drawings". I'm using LP 0031. Could anyone help me? Please.... I'll be gratefull...
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: fernandojapa on July 31, 2007, 10:47:50 pm Hey LFM!
May you port the patch to R373_48R while you dont release your tutorial? ;D (I'm using G4 by gayoe avaliable here: http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/390/30/ (http://www.e398mod.com/content/view/390/30/)) Thanks cheer! o/ Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: gayoe on August 01, 2007, 09:34:27 am i've tried to port the patch multifont for 48R.
you can download it at attachment. the patch is for CG1 and CG15 with the use of original LP. that's mean you can use it with based original LP that you own (not contain Arabic or China, of course). it's different patch especially patch CG15. the restriction of this multifont patch is on the language ID that you use as a based language. you see, you have to use language that contain ID 06 (French), 07 (German), 0A (Spanish), 0C (Vietnamese), 0F (Bahasa). the language ID restriction is written on the CG1 patch. altough you have to use these ID as a based, but you can change the strings with Moto Lang Editor to match with your language. also with Moto Lang Editor, you can apply different font on ID (red box on the picture) number: 00, 08, 0A, 0B, 0C. (http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/8133/untitled2me5.jpg) you can download the newer version of MLE on HERE (http://www.esnips.com/doc/1cb2323f-47c6-47b7-a2b7-744372151921/MotoLangEditor-2.2-full) this version of MLE can change all the different font on all section number of MLE (redbox on the picture). the old version can't change section number 02 and 06, that's always match with number 01 when we save the CG4.smg i hope you can understand what i'm saying.... and please let me know if the patch is working or not on 48R. thx! oyeah, you can't use my multifont LP because these patch is for original LP. you can download original LP (such like 002E original) on e398mod.com i add patch multifont with the use of original LP for 46R and 49R. to aplly the patch for DRM: E398 with the use of FlashBackup 2.62 straight patch, E1 ROKR have to patch CG15 manually with hex editor. Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: gayoe on August 01, 2007, 09:52:44 am maybe it's better if i showed you how to make this patch...
[Patch_Info] SW_Ver=R373_G_0E.30.48R Description=Firmware patch 6 fonts Author=for LP 002E with ID languange 03, 06, 07, 0A, 0C, 0F ApplyTo=CG1 [Patch_Code] 005EA731: 06 005EA741: 07 005EA749: 0A 005EA755: 0C 005EA75D: 0F 0061B4B8: 106A3D3E106A3D4A106A3D58106A3D64106A3D70106A3D7C106A3D88106A3D96106A29D8106A29D A106A3DA0106A3DAC106A3DBA106A3DC6106A3DD2106A3DDE106A3DEA106A3DF8 0061B508: 106A3D3E106A3D4A106A3D58106A3D64106A3D70106A3D7C106A3D88106A3D96106A29D8106A29D A106A3DA0106A3DAC106A3DBA106A3DC6106A3DD2106A3DDE106A3DEA106A3DF8 0061B7D8: 106A3D3E106A3D4A106A3D58106A3D64106A3D70106A3D7C106A3D88106A3D96106A29D8106A29D A106A3DA0106A3DAC106A3DBA106A3DC6106A3DD2106A3DDE106A3DEA106A3DF8 0061BB98: 106A3D3E106A3D4A106A3D58106A3D64106A3D70106A3D7C106A3D88106A3D96106A29D8106A29D A106A3DA0106A3DAC106A3DBA106A3DC6106A3DD2106A3DDE106A3DEA106A3DF8 0061BD28: 106A3D3E106A3D4A106A3D58106A3D64106A3D70106A3D7C106A3D88106A3D96106A29D8106A29D A106A3DA0106A3DAC106A3DBA106A3DC6106A3DD2106A3DDE106A3DEA106A3DF8 string value that marked with red color is for ID language that you have to use on CG4.smg (LangPack) to have different font. [Patch_Info] SW_Ver=R373_G_0E.30.4xR Description=DRM patch 6 fonts ApplyTo=CG15 [Patch_Code] 000165E0: E0E0E0E0 000165F0: E8E8E8E8 00016600: EAEAEAEA 00016620: EBEBEBEB 00016630: ECECECEC 000165E4: E7E70504E31214530AEEE9E8 00016604: E7E70504E31214530AEEE9E8 00016650: E1E1E6E6E7E70E0DE30E104F0AEBE9E8E1E1E6E6E7E70504E30E104F0AEBE9E8E1E1E6E6E7E7050 4E30E104F0AECE9E8 string value with blue color is the sign for section number on Moto Lang Editor that you can change the font. as you see, the above patch is for number 00, 08, 0A, 0B, 0C on MLE that you can change the font. the patch of DRM above is only apply with manual patching with hex editor program, such as xvi32 or winhex. that's why it has different address with the patch DRM applied with FlashBackup program. thanks to montox @ motolovers.web.id that explain these patches to me. Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: LFM on August 01, 2007, 04:11:38 pm Yes! the tutorial is ready, it's bilingual...
I'm making the last tests... I can add 6 fonts :) :) and the tutorial works for any platform :o :o :o Soon! Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: LFM on August 01, 2007, 10:48:01 pm Sorry for the double post :D
The tutorial has been posted!!!!!!! HERE! (https://motohell.com/index.php?topic=715.0) Works in all phones, and platforms! Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on August 02, 2007, 02:51:01 am Thanks a lot,bro.. :D
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: fernandojapa on August 02, 2007, 01:31:28 pm Thanks a LOT guys! I'm going to try the patch for 48R tonight and i'll post the results after. ;D
BTW: i think i'll change to 46R. Yesterday i've tried the Symphony MP and it's very good. I'm using G4 since it has been released and I still using it couse it was the best i've found until last year and i've changed a lot of things to make it perfect for me. All MP's i was been testing had too much things to change to fit my taste and i was without enough time to make on they the changes i'd like. Now i have some time to do this, so i'll do this. And gayoe: i think i'll have a hard work to make this patch work, couse i've changed the LP to support Brazilian portuguese =\ Thanks again bros Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Exploited on August 03, 2007, 11:58:13 am The tutorial is superb
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: fernandojapa on August 10, 2007, 10:23:31 am @gayoe
Your patch has worked very well for me. I've made some changes to use another language IDs and another fonts section. Now my 48R have 6 fonts ;D Thanks mate Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: thewiseman on September 16, 2007, 02:22:20 am this is a very great job guys,i've got it with the patch thing but there is one thing i can't get it.How do i use motolang to add the fonts i want, i've been searcing the forum for an ideea but this patch thing it's all that i found.
Maybe is't just me(i didn't get it right) but i would apreciate any "inlightning" help ;D thx Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: thewiseman on September 16, 2007, 04:22:57 am k now i'm very confused
i've seen may way described here to make multiple font working but just to clear a confused mind can someone post a tutorial for the exact steps to follow, can i do this without applying any patch? do i also have to mod the DRM? i know......it's a chaos on my head ;D Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: thewiseman on September 17, 2007, 04:33:34 am Guys i know i'm a lunatic
but this is it about this problem i have .i manage to change one font but i have a question and that is i wont be stressing you anymore. ;D when i change in winhex with the values given in MLE( EX for croatian lang i replace in winhex with the 11 value, and the font id is 8 from the table saying this but if i use other language that is not in that table how will i knoe the font id?the 11 value i found it in mle but the font id ..?!?i don't know where to get it Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: BruceLee on September 29, 2007, 03:12:21 pm I don't get it..
Online patching those patches doesn't work? I tried to patch them online with FlashBackup 2.62 and there's no diference. I have the same boring font... Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: gayoe on October 01, 2007, 10:51:38 am maybe the patching with FB is work on just CG1.
with CG15, you should patch it yourself with hex editor program such as xvi32, winhex, or else. i personally change/patch the CG15 with manual change hex values with hex editor program :D Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: BruceLee on October 01, 2007, 01:07:35 pm ok. thanks... maybe in the future i'll try that
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: LFM on October 01, 2007, 02:20:20 pm There's a program, called MiniPatcher...
It asks for a CG, then for a .fpa and apply the patch in the given CG... Any CG: CG1, CG15.... Available (with a mini usage guide) in my multifont tutorial... see you! Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: motomaniacs on October 02, 2007, 08:21:18 pm be waiting for that miini patcher
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on October 02, 2007, 08:24:20 pm Thats a good news :)
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: thewiseman on November 16, 2007, 09:19:22 am Gyus thx a lot for the tutorial
now i have 6 fonts on my phone :)) one Q:the font in the itunes is the one that never changes, plus the font it has taken it's not even the automatic one:( any ideeas?! thx Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: ansonboy on December 18, 2007, 07:09:48 pm can add multifont in the chinese LP?
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: gayoe on December 19, 2007, 07:51:16 am chinese LP is NOT compatible with multifont.
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Dont_stop_the_music on January 02, 2008, 06:48:48 am great tutor...... thx for sharing OOT wondering why Gayoe didn't join here.... Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: avatar_43 on January 05, 2008, 04:08:45 pm How do I change the fonts and change the strings for each one?
I'm still kinda clueless on it and as a result been stuck @ 1 font Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Zh@ng-L14ng on January 05, 2008, 10:46:35 pm @avatar
To change the fonts and strings use MotoLangEditor. Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: avatar_43 on January 06, 2008, 04:34:08 am Yeh but how... Do I just change the language fonts then insert them in?
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on January 06, 2008, 04:39:57 am @Avatar,
See THIS (https://motohell.com/index.php?topic=715.0) guide by LFM.. Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: avatar_43 on January 06, 2008, 08:11:49 am hehe, Didn't know it was there, Cheers JithinSK
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Jithin on January 06, 2008, 08:23:09 am Anytime mate.. But I prefer a praise more than a cheers..lol ;D
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: avatar_43 on January 06, 2008, 10:09:13 am Better for ya now ;)
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: mores on July 28, 2008, 11:12:15 pm when i try to patch cg1 and cg15. fb shows error msg."read end of file".why is this so? help pls..
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: bikien on December 23, 2008, 06:29:19 am where i can complete download tutorial make multi font
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: Phantom2009 on February 06, 2009, 10:49:20 am nice job.. ;D
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: ary_cute on April 13, 2009, 11:40:15 am Anyone have a patch multifont for 79R?? thx
Title: Re: LP & Patch Multifont for E398 & E1ROKR Post by: ZduneX25 on April 13, 2009, 11:56:26 am Try here:
questione: http://forum.motofan.ru/index.php?s=&showtopic=121909&view=findpost&p=1299361 answer: http://forum.motofan.ru/index.php?s=&showtopic=121909&view=findpost&p=1299934 |