Moto Hell - The Motorola Modding Community

Motorola Phone Models => Motorola A780/A1200/E2/E6/E680/V8/Z6 => Topic started by: silentsnow31802 on October 09, 2008, 07:11:01 pm

Title: WAP Settings?
Post by: silentsnow31802 on October 09, 2008, 07:11:01 pm
Ok I got my new E2 to take new firmware. Now how do I get my original WAP settings back so I can send MMS messages?

Title: Re: WAP Settings?
Post by: Polar_BearXL on October 10, 2008, 12:36:23 am
ask your mobile service provider  operator

Title: Re: WAP Settings?
Post by: fade2black on October 10, 2008, 10:45:00 pm
Copy your websession setting files in /ezxlocal/download/appwrite/NetProfile

Title: Re: WAP Settings?
Post by: silentsnow31802 on October 12, 2008, 09:21:48 am
Thats the kind of answer I was looking for thanks, but I had just got it working. I used these settings...

Settings for AT&T MEdia Net....
Profile name:MEdia Net
Port 1: 9201
Domain 1: (blank)
GPRS APN: wap.cingular
Password: CINGULAR1
Quality of service: data
GPRS time out: off
<additional settings>
Proxy 2 : (blank)
Port 2: 9201
Domain 2: (blank)
DNS 1&2 : (blank)
CSD #: 14152441012
Sign in at login: no
Password: CINGULAR1
Speed BPS: 9600
line type: ISDN (can edit)
CSD timeout: off
DNS1: (blank)
<browers profile>
Name: MEdia Net
Homepage: http://device.home
Data connection: MEdia Net
Cookie proxy policy: let gateway decide

Title: Re: WAP Settings?
Post by: ahmed on October 12, 2008, 10:44:22 am
Another answer
Ask ur service provider to send you the message which contains the active  internet profile of ur network..after installing wap setting go to web access>browser setup>browser profile> add a new profile>create new>make ur profile name and ur home page and data connection (choose ur network wap profile) then choose (let gateway decide) in cookie proxy policy then finally save this setting and make that profile ur default one...after all instead of ask ur service provider each time u change ur firmware ,use back up tool program to save ur network active internet profile then u can restore it when ever u want... i know u may know that but it for every one wants to use wap on e2  thanks  :)