Moto Hell - The Motorola Modding Community

Motorola Phone Models => Langpacks => Topic started by: aozame on January 19, 2008, 12:45:56 am

Title: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: aozame on January 19, 2008, 12:45:56 am
first, im very sorry for my bad english and maybe this not useful for you all

i love my e2. this phone can write special symbol to send without use MPT (this might useful if you use kaleid since it can't sync with MPT).

first, reflash your phone with AIO language pack by Vanhieumai (credit to him) and follow the instruction.

now, install the chinese language pack

access your phone with inetd and open AIO language folder, and chinese folder (if you cant connect with inetd, just copy the chinese folder to memcard with phone).

edit the file in iTAP folder with notepad++ (if you dont have it, downlad in ( dont use windows's notepad!)

add the symbol you want

save and replace the original file

if you use the chinese language, you can use it after you restart your phone. but if you use another language, just replace the *.qm and cfg file with the laguange you want in ZH-CN folder (to replace it just rename the file like XXXXX_zn-ch.qm) and replace the opera language file in OPERA folder.

use your language in your phone setting, restart.

and you have your custom symbol in your phone!!!!!


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if you know in 3rd snapshot its a japanese hiragana character. yes. you can input hiragana,katakana since it's not released in japan, and you can input the another country font character like korean and many other!! wow!!! i love this e2!!!

DISCLAIMER : since this e2 use the unifont, it can read these special symbol. but not the other phones. if the other phone read it, it will show square box. (i sent sms, use the special symbol to my friend who use N***A N73 and O2 Xphone (similiar to orange phone in outer country which use WM 2003) it show square box only) wow!! e2 its the best phone ever!!!

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: huatz84 on January 19, 2008, 09:41:03 am
Nice tutor...I think AIO LP use unicode font so it can read many fonts of language.Btw,can U share your edited km here? I love that Hiragana character...Thanx.

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: solidsnake on January 19, 2008, 09:52:51 am
thanks, great tips. karma added.
how to set the input method to another language? can you give a more detail tutorial please

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: aozame on January 20, 2008, 07:48:24 pm
there is my .km files (

another language? this custom symbol can't added to other language pack except Chinese.
but if you don't use Chinese, just replace the *.qm files in \AiO_languagesPack...\Chinese\zh-cn\  folder with another language via telnet. you can get the *.qm files in firmware files (*.sbf). just parse the cg41, and copy&replace the *.qm files in string folder to zh-cn folder.

by the way, if you use this custom symbol, the page of text message limited to 70 character.

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: solidsnake on January 20, 2008, 08:51:00 pm
thanks. and I use Chinese.
I mean how to set input to another country font like korean?

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: aozame on January 20, 2008, 11:15:43 pm
well in windows, you must add the extra language support in regional seting, after that, windows will install the extra language support font, (like msmincho etc). to input the custom character, just search in character map. just search within the font

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: lanzerot on January 23, 2008, 08:46:31 pm
thanks for the aport  ;D

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: Taurnil on February 08, 2008, 04:54:26 pm
Thanks for your *contribution

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: error398 on February 11, 2008, 07:35:00 pm
thanks dude..

Title: Re: [E2] custom symbol
Post by: GeozTsai on February 23, 2008, 11:28:03 pm