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Author Topic: The Story Of Stuff  (Read 8186 times)
Ultimate modder

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« on: December 15, 2007, 01:27:16 am »

I would like to invite all members of all Motorola modding communities to visit the following website:

- Why?
- Because we must care

- Why advertising here?
- Because I trust that we are indirectly potential contributors. Face it - you do not buy new phones (stuff) all the time, instead you mod them and improving them.

Have a nice time watching the movie with Annie Leonard. THANK YOU FOR THE GREAT SITE
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 01:32:01 am by Exploited » Logged

« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2007, 01:34:15 am »

on my way to location
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2007, 05:53:09 am »

SHE IS SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet she lies at the begining telling that she was studding how economy works for 10 years.

Only some(little, little) things that she says are true.

I was getting angry with every comming word she said, how sb can be so stupid.

Now I am going out of my house when I'm back I'll write(modify this post) and tell get more aim. I mean I will tell what she lyes about.

My ansfer to her moumbling!

extraction, which is a fancy word for trashing the planet. What this looks like is we choping the trees, we blew up mountains to get to get the metals inside, we use up all the wather and wape out the animals

Does not she knows that there are people that seed the forest(trees), does not she knw that afrer every chopping the trees peeps that are chopeing the trees are planting new ones in theres places?

Blew up the mountains?? What is she talkong about we dig the mountains if we would blew them up we would not get to the metal. When the metal runs out we ut a dirt inside and plant trees all around it has no affect on the ecosystem 'cause only humans uses metal to 'be alive'. And what is more, we cannot run out of metal there is a lot of in on the earth(even the core of our planet is made of metal. We have so much metale that we will not run out of it to the end of the solar system. What is more metal is easyly reusd.

Use up the wather?? F**K!!!!!!!! Is she wrom the moon that she does not know that 70% of our platen is wather! Even the cars engines will shortly run on wother(on D2O not H2O; heavy wather). And if we run out(what is imposible 'cause wather does not live our planet) of liquid wather we still have the ice on UP(north) and bottom(South) of our planet there is a lots of wather(this wather is not salt).

Wipe the animals? Waht the animals are moved to other regins if they live in area that people needs to use(I'll write more info about that when you ask me for it).

We are running out of resources, we are using too much stuff(...). In the past 3 decades(150years) alone 1/3 of the planet natural resources has been consumed

Does not she know that THAT TIME WAS A WAR! People was not careing of enviorment, that was the time when what you have was how strong you are. Ater that here was a pact about the enviorment to not to trash it almost every country signet it(EVERY COUNTRY THAT SIGNED IT NEVER BROKE IT RULES) BUT there is country that trashes the planet  the most and never signed the pact. Do you know what country that is....? Gues? .... good it is USA. The country of retarted people(I'm sorry for peeople that are offended by calling USA a retarted country).

About consumprion... Read the 1st paragraph of mine.

40% of USAs wather have bocome undrincable

Only nuclear wather cannot be drink(cleand and than drinked) and I do not think they niked 40% of theys wather

This is the third world wchih some would sey is another world of our stuff taht somehow got to somebody elses land. So what is that look like, the same thing trashing the place.

Now my almost favoritue thing. I will show how stpis she is. No... She shows that!

Ask yourself. Can I thake sp stuff before I pay for it? Answer: No. Want htat is how Third world works(ill wtite and example in africa[peope og this land will be called black people] and some corporation[white people])

White people: Do you have thees on your land?
Black people: Yes we do. Do you want them?
White: Wes I do.
Black: Give us something in return.

And white gives one ot 2 TVs. Why do black agrees? The answer is simple they never seen a tv or they think the tv is really costy. It is costy for them 'cause nobody thisnks of it but they do not know that the cost of tv is less than the cost of trees. That is why we should not blame white people for chopping the trees black should be hat is what it should be look like:

White people: Do you have thees on your land?
Black people: Yes we do. Do you want them?
White: yes I do so we will sell them to you if you pey us moned put electicy in our village seed new trees in place of chopping the old ones. And you olco can chpe down only 5% of trees on our land thast is all than you must go away.
White: OK

And here everyone is happy Black cause they got save liveplace there are no white any more and they have new terrs.
White cause they made a deal and they are goimg to have more money.

(If you do not understand my point of view tell so I'll write it in other words)

Next the materials move to production and what happens there is we energy to mix toxic chemicals with natural resources to make toxic inhaminated products.

Sorry for my next sentece. FAAAAA** s**t how someone can be so stupid does not she nows the somple chemistry?Huh? Is she brainless od just playing like one.

Yes that is true to some products chemicals are added. But why... the answer is chemistry. In fact some chemicals added to somehing(can be chemical or not) gives us a not chemical product. Do you ant example??
Do you know from what sweetener is made?
It is made only from 2 thngs 2 VERY VERY chemical things ad when you add them to echa other there are no more chemical they become something natural that does not causes any affect on human organism. So why people says to not to use sweetener. The answer is simple to usning sweetener is like eating oxigen, sweetener is nothing to the organism, and people thing it is a sugar but it is not when sb will not eat any sugar he will die from running out of it.(I hope you know what I mean)

Now I'll skip to the main thing that made me write all of this. If you want more of my oinion of what she says write the request so I'll do it.

Now my favorutue thing
It's all about externalizing the cost what that means is the real cost of makeing stuff aren't captured in the prize in other words we aren't paying for the stuff we buy. I was thinking about this the other day I was walking to work and I wanted to listen to the news so I poped in to a radio shack to buy a radio I've found this cute little radio for $4.99. I was standing in the line to buy this thing and I was thinking how could $4.99 possibly the cost of makeing this radio and getting it into my hands. The metal was probably mined in South Africa the petrolium was drilled in Iraq. The plastic was probably prodiced in china. And maybe whole thing was assembled by a 15-year-old by a 'maccierro'(?) in mexico. $4.99 will not even pay the rent for the shelf space occupying until I came and let a lone stuff guy to help me pick it put or the multiple moution cruses and track rides pises of this radio went on. That's how I realized I did not pay for the radio.

With this sentences she proves that she's brain is small as beam of corn. Lets use simple mathematics.

1 tone of metal = 494 EUR = $544
silicon and plastic = it's so cheap that ill not count this

Now we are makeing a radion in China($2 a hour standart payment). Lets tell that we have 1 tone of metal how many of it do we need to make one radio...
- 8 screw - 14g*8= 112g
- little mettal for elecric ways inside the radio - 200g(I know its too much but lets tell it is 200g)

Now let's count.

1tine = 1000kg = 1000000g = 3205 radios

Lets tell that 10 % of them are damaged and cannot be salled

Now 2885*$4,99=$14396,15

$14396,15-$2000(petrol track and ship)-$3000(peying for truck)-$6000(peying for ship)-$2*24(makiera 3205 radios in China)=$3348.15

$3348.15 we still got mony se we earn money.

So we pay for all and the lady is STUPID she does not see the full economy. you pay 4,99 but eveyones pay $14396,15
I was guesting the prises gor petrol truck ship(and I'm sure they are less than thore I 've wrote). I did not count silicoon, plastic,and salary gor peeps in shop(but prises for petrol ship and track coers this).

If you want more tell I'll write
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 09:07:56 am by EOG » Logged
Ultimate modder

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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2007, 10:57:35 pm »

EOG: I have to strongly disagree with you:

1. In Bulgaria we chop (if forbidden then BURN) trees and DO NOT plant new over. My poor little country lost 30% of it's forests the last 17 years... Look at Greece - they saw that their (few) forests are disappearing so fast and they made a law forbidding chopping. The results was hundreds of blazing fires around the country - all made by the corporations (or mafia)

2. Destroying mountains - the problem is not that the metal is so important for the nature - the problem is that it is very very deep inside the mountains. When you extract iron you destroy huge amounts of soil and trees. They never (NEVER) repair these damages

3. Water - the problem is not that the water is disappearing (of course not). The problem is that the water is not drinkable. In United States the problem is not that big, like it is in Afrika and Europe. In most of the west Europe for example the people can drink only expensive mineral water - what they have in the pipes is only for washing. The problem is arising in Bulgaria (my country) too, because most of the factories directly throw their junk in the rivers and lakes without any control. Remember - there is a difference between water for drinking and dirty water

4. War - yes of course it was a war. Can you show me a piece of history without any wars? They are always around and they will never stop!

5. "Only nuclear wather cannot be drink(cleand and than drinked) and I do not think they niked 40% of theys wather" - you are WRONG. Do you know how much costs to purge water? The answer is that purging water costs much more money and RESOURCES (like petroleum, gas) than the water itself!

6. For your example "Black vs White" people - you pointed the real problem with your words, but you did not realise that. That's exactly what she was talking about! The US corporations controls the technology, which other countries like to use. US is saying "We will give you our technology if you give us your resources" and most of the poor countries agree (because they are loosing too much economical positions otherwise). This is the problem man - THE THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES (like mine) DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE RESOURCES - they care for the TECHNOLOGY and this is the reason for destroying their nature! It is not the problem that your example "black" people in Afrika are not happy - they are happy, because they have a TV. The problem is that everybody in the world will be very UNHAPPY when this continues for longer periods.

... oh and by the way - even if they seed trees like you are saying - most of the plants need more than 20 years to grow up enough. Beleive me - they are chopped much faster than they grow up!

7. Materials - I also disagree with the example with the pillows. However I will join and extend the theory with some examples from me - our food. Only 20 years ago in my country the biggest part of the food production was made in small farms. We got traditional huge markets where villagers was selling their stuff - and trust me THE FOOD WAS GOOD! What happened the last few years - the big corporations came on their seats and started to invent "hygienic laws", which cost thousands of dollars to implement. Of course these conditions was totally impossible for the small villagers and most of them bankrupted in front of the corporations. What happens now - we have huge farms which produce milk. You will say "So what" - well here is the problem: they need to spread their products at very far distances and they need to preserve the "quality" of their product for much more longer periods. The result is that NOW WE EAT CANNERY FOOD (conservants, etc). Total junk brothers and sisters - what they sell as milk have totally different taste than the milk from a cow. What they sell for pork meat is half meat and half plastics.

I agree with you - in most cases I do not know if these chemicals are bad for my health or not. I trust you that in 99% of the cases the chemicals are not making anything bad. However I DO NOT WANT TO EAT THEM! I WANT FOOD AND NOT PLASTICS!

8. The radios problem - OH MAN! WHY YOU LOOK AT THE MONEY AND THE EARNINGS Huh?Huh?Huh?
Of course the Chinese people and corporations will have profit from their cheap radios. IF THEY DO NOT HAVE PROFIT THEY WILL NOT MAKE THEM!!!

Is the profit from the radios the real problem??? NO - the problem is that in order to make stocks cheaper and cheaper and cheaper (because of the concurrency stocks) and to make the profit bigger and bigger and bigger - the companies economize from many places. Things like "safety for the people", "cleaning the junk of our production", "longer lifetime for our product", "using ecological materials", etc - THESE ARE THE PROBLEMS, NOT THE MONEY!!!

Gosh... Nothing personal man, but it looks like you are not seeing the real problem - you are looking trough the prism of money and not trough the problems itself.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 11:05:36 pm by Exploited » Logged

Jay Chou
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2007, 11:10:45 am »

Yup Phil is right and well debated..
I'm gonna quit shopping often
Joka X
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« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2007, 06:29:06 pm »

if we don't do something quick,the Earth is going to be dead soon......
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« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2007, 11:16:16 pm »

no - it's not gonna die of course... the problem is that the mass of the people will be totally poor and just few groups will be super-rich

Joka X
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« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2007, 02:10:29 am »

but what about global warming?people are still not taking it seriously......and disaster come more often that before....they are all related......btw,yeah,Earth is not going to die,but the human population is...... Sad
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 02:57:46 am by xtreme tcx » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2007, 05:19:40 am »

sad but possibly true

« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2007, 07:00:16 pm »

I took a recent trip to the countryside (@ UK) and realised just how beautiful the planet is yet you look at big cities and think wtf happened,

Fossil Fuels are a massive culprit

over the last 200 years

I for one don't wanna loose the beauty this planet holds for the sake of getting around faster or meaning I don't have a PC (which can be powered by other means)
But at the rate we're going not much longer as once the ice caps are gone the water will rise rapidly
Ultimate modder

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« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2007, 10:54:11 pm »

Just share info and educate your friends that don't care - every normal person will think about it. Try to avoid buying usless crap like I am doing (like plastic bottles, overpackaging of food, etc)... repair stuff instead of buying new... things like that

« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2008, 05:59:58 am »

hmm good modding our phone is better than buy new phone right? Smiley
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« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2008, 01:09:03 am »

haha for sure! Do not give up your old phones mates!

« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2008, 01:41:30 pm »

I just couldnt read all of the stuff EOG and Exploited wrote... But I caught part of it... And I must say I agree with Phil... But I dont wanna play a smart-a$$ soooo...

My e398 is now 4-5 years old... Not bad Smiley
Ultimate modder

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« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2008, 10:35:48 am »

The image below shows it - I am very angry that every small crap must be sold in stupid trash (non-recyclable) package... I will give all my money for products that give you a way to recycle (like the glass bottles in the past), but there aint any

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